I want to see the sun!

Because that would mean that a company in the USA gives a rats behind about a country outside of the USA.


It is shortsighted on Blizzard’s part.

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What is this “country outside of the USA” that you speak of?

Perhaps Australians should team up and encourage each other to create a globally adored MMO that operates on their own day/night cycles?

This is hardly unique to companies within the USA fyi. Nationalism and government interests aren’t exactly yielding utopian outcomes from the corporations of other countries. None of the other suggestions would yield those outcomes either, but it is what it is.

Does it really? :thinking: I’ve never noticed. It always seems to be the same every time I look…

This is such a bunch of BS that this is still an issue. Some of us would actually like to record game footage for projects and in the game world’s DAYLIGHT FFS. And here the sun only turns up like at 9pm or something at night. Which means I have to record late at night FFS. Seriously, Blizzard have no morals or ethics its no wonder they’re hated.

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Its a decent toy in theory, but only lasts for an hour or two, disappears on death and has a 24 hour cooldown.

I didnt know it stopped upon death, that’s pretty lame for a 24 hour cd’d toy.

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