I want to see a female Black Dragon

If for no other reason than to give Wrathion some competition in the “Prettiest Visage Form” stakes.

If there are more Black Dragons (which we know for a fact there are) then please let’s see some of those gorgeous creatures.


Are only pretty people able to be dragons? Because why are all these dragon characters so fine :heart_eyes:

I mean, Lady Prestor was supposedly a bombshell.

The dragons should have a vogue-off.


Well when you can magically pick your appearance I’m sure most people would choose to look good.


There’s only three Black Dragons left alive and they’re all Males, so I guess they could try interbreeding with other Dragon types maybe? :thinking:

Edit: thanks to all who notified me of a third :slight_smile:

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That doesn’t matter for a dragon. They could still take a female visage form if they wanted. Unless they only get to choose it once…

If memory serves there’s at least a third one in Outland…though he’s male too…

Also, you never know where another one may be lying low but alive.


Wrathion is already competing with Sabellian.


There are no black dragon females because the remaining three black dragon males would need to “get down to business” to save their race :joy:

To date, I think all known female black dragons are dead.

Sintharia’s still alive, but she’s both a mutant and somewhere off world, doing void things.

But yes, nice female black dragon, please.

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Dragons have a ceremony called Visage Day in which they choose what their “main mortal form” will be. It sounds like they could technically choose another, but maybe they just want to stick to the form they decided on.

Yeah, that’s what I was talking about. It doesn’t seem like there’d be any physical restriction on them choosing a different visage. Seems more just a cultural thing for them.

Thats ok, Blizzard has a Skill on its skill tree called Retcon. They can cast that and zing lady black dragons exist!


Sinestra, Onyxia.

I’m sure somewhere hidden under the many deep places of Azeroth there might be other black dragons or their eggs.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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There’s three, actually.

You probably forgot about Sabellian.

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Have you see wrathions hair and chiseled features?

Don’t care how pretty you think you are, he’s superior

Is Nalice still around, or did something happen to her?

I killed her during the rogue legendary dagger questline. Sorry.