I want to see a classic version of

Demon hunters
Death knights

Especially after how unique some of the new SoD play styles feels i would love to see a variant with classic based races and classes.

Like the retail version of Evoker is a complete miss but maybe a vanilla version would just flat out be better


If they parlayed the new Scarlet instance into some way to convert your character into a Death Knight people would lose their minds…

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Why would it be the Scarlets?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to introduce the class change during the Scourge Invasion.

…not all of us want to save Azeroth [for the Living].

Rise! Lost souls of Azeroth. …Death to the Living!

((You expect me to not make a wall of text on this? HA!))

If they did do DKs, they should lock them to Orcs and Humans, which would make them the “Gen 1” DKs that Ner’zhul made (orc souls into human corpses; probably used orc corpses too). I never liked the “Gen 2” ones (created by Arthas as Lich King); those ones had their free will stripped from them, and it never made sense that they ‘still cared about being used as bait for Tirion’.

For Evokers, I would go with them being of the various Aspects’ brood. If I heard right, Evokers are, in lore, hybrids of ‘lesser races’ (ie Humans) and Dragons…something that Nefarion’s gang cooked up or something.
Seems a bit too ‘out there’, so I’d opt to make these Evokers full Dragons that are just assuming a humanoid form, but aren’t powerful enough to be ‘totally human-form’ (ie like the Aspects can).

Demon Hunters, would have to be after the Dark Portal was opened.*
*I’ve talked at length how they should implement the original concepts of Outlands and everything that came with TBC before it was repackaged as an expansion.
Obvious choice for Alliance would be Night Elves. For Horde, probably Orcs…they reaaally hate demons.

Monks…I would say would not be the Retail ‘monk’. Because, from the early concept maps of Azeroth, there was no Pandaria landmass. However, that doesn’t mean the concept of the Monk Class couldn’t be woven into existing lore. Maybe something akin to Night Elves and Tauren (or possibly Trolls; depends on how Blizzard feels) that wanted to seek balance in not only Nature but in themselves.


Demon Hunters: Night Elves and Orcs
Death Knights: Humans and Orcs
Monks: Night Elves and Tauren/Trolls
Evokers: Whole new race, the Dragons

Side Note:

Not sure how well Evoker would be since if it’s using Dragons people will want to know ‘why can’t they fly’. Which they can’t, because the world pre-Cata is smoke and mirrors…a lot of stuff is just ‘cardboard props’ arranged to look like a 3D object. But I’m not familiar enough with the class other than “it uses abilities of the Aspects”, making me question if non-Dragons should be able to tap into that spell line.

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Blizzard can’t even be bothered to make all the current specs anywhere close to viable.
They can’t even be bothered to make a set for each spec at every tier.
What makes you think they’d ever be able to keep up with new classes on top of that?

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I am still bummed that my comments over the past year fell on deaf ears. No Monk runes were added for Priest to punch Inner Fire and produce stable melee-fire hybrid damage and low radiant healing. It seemed like such an easy win, and since Scarlet Monks exist in Scarlet Monastery, it was within the canon of classic (versus, e.g., spellfrost?).

My Discovery wishes from phase one are thoroughly dead. At least Spellfrost healing exists. I just hoped for the melee equivalent on Priests.

(My definition of Monk is a little less IRL culturally defined, which retail has done and is hecka tacky btw–that is focused more on the spiritual/holy warrior definition and not the oriental wanderer definition, in line with an armorless unarmed paladin, which the monastic priest can easily flex to become.)

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Take monk and evoker off the list and then maybe.

Any version of wow that has those two things isn’t classic.

Both exist in vanilla lol

Monk already conceptually exists and is shown in at least a few places in Vanilla, if memory serves.

Evoker might be a bit much given how far into the future Evokers even came into play, given they were locked in vaults for millenia. I could see them adopting it into malleable runes for each class, maybe, but as its own class? Probably not in SoD.

Pandaren race should not be introduced to classic, mop will be re released soon enough. Would rather see wcIII/II accurate versions of demon hunter, and death knight

Oh, I’m not talking about introducing Pandaren at all. There are some references to Monks even without the presence of Pandaren.

That might prove difficult to pull off, but it’d be neat if they tried it out.

I’d play a classic version of death knight. Maybe they could have you sacrifice a level 55+ character to start as a level 55 death knight, go through the DK starter experience from WotLK, and then become a level 58 death knight in Eastern Plaguelands.

I’d also enjoy seeing a classic version of demon hunter and monk, but the monk would have to be different from the MoP monk (same resource system and roles but different abilities) since we don’t run into any pandaren in that time period (since Chen Stormstout left Orgrimmar five years before WoW started).

I could almost see demon hunter as a set of runes and cosmetic gear for the combat rogue that alters how their resources work and gives them warglaive strikes instead of combat rogue abilities.

No, thank you. Play retail.