I want to rename my bags

Googled it. Found nothing. So I will ask here… I am looking for an addon that will allow me to rename my bags (including the bank bags). I’m not looking for categories to separate them, just names. For example: Instead of “Wildercloth bag”, I want it to be labeled “Legion”. Thank you in advance!

For the the container frames you could use something quick and dirty like:

/run for i=1, 20 do local f = _G["ContainerFrame"..i] if not f then break end hooksecurefunc(f, "SetTitle", function(self) local b = self:IsBankBag() and "Bank" or "Bag" self:GetTitleText():SetText("Legion "..b.." No. "..self:GetID()) end)end

You could also hook/replace the OnEnter scripts and provide your own tooltips but you would also have to do that for anything else that displays bag toolips (the game menu bags, the container icons…)

Edited: to add a check for a bag being a “Bank” bag or not.

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