I want to play WoW, but it's just not fun anymore

The problem is that the whole game has become very frantic and people just want to finish the content as quickly as possible to repeat the dungeons again and again like bots. There’s no more planning of what to do and when to do it and you spend so much time mashing the buttons that it feels like you’re going to develop a repetitive strain disease with so many skills that can be picked up by the talent trees (I have more than 20 hotkeys and I feel like there’s still more to go). If you don’t make content at turbo speed, you’ll fall behind quickly. Powercreep is already high by nature with this stupid scaling where I hit a level 80 mob more than a level 70 one (PVP is even worse with players getting oneshots even with full honor sets.)


Fun is subjective OP, maybe for some others Wow is their source of dopamine. At least blizzard is trying to make the game better moving forward for veterans and new players.

Oh… you, go play something else then.

I think for a lot of people, WoW is still the best MMORPG, but they want it to grow and have things found in other expansions and go beyond the “routine” wash-rinse-repeat formula. They always seem to try and add new things each expansion or content “patches”, which is great. But it’s not “enough” for some people so they go to other MMORPGs that might have some cooler things but overall, fall short of what WoW has and end up coming back to it.

WoW has found its cookie cutter template and will run that well completely dry. I myself lose interest and unsub about every expansion. They dont even try to hide the hamster wheel anymore. Its hard not to see WoW retail expansions as reskins of previous expansions.

I dont know what brings me back. And I cant put a finger on what keeps me engaged until the moment I decide to unsub for a year or two again. Maybe its disillusionment?

But I will say, WoW feels good to play when you got that itch. Nothing else quite scratches it the same way. Its like watching reruns of an old show you used to love.

WoW hasnt innovated itself since mythic plus. It definitely hasnt pushed the games industry forward in many years. And ill be honest, I dont see mythic plus as such a good gameplay system that justifies 10 years of reskinning. But new games just dont want to capture the imagination of people hungry for an mmo experience. AOC has been marketing itself as the WoW killer for half a decade now, and Im honestly tired of hearing about it and its not even out yet. WoW is tangible and a sure thing. Even if its blatantly complacent.

But the people love it. The people want it. And who am I at the end of the day.


It’s a game issue. I don’t like the way this is working out. I’m not having fun the way this expansion has been designed. It’s like they all forgot what an MMORPG is supposed to be like. This is more like some kind of phone game now. Who ever heard of mobs not dropping loot, ffs…

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Dude, i mean this earnestly, maybe try some therapy. You clearly aren’t happy and you’re kind of telling everyone off who is genuinely trying to help. I don’t mean this is a mean way at all, but it really seems like a you thing. It’s ok to get help, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


I’m not happy because of the morons I’m forced to live with.

And no one is genuinely trying to help bro.

No it’s not a “game issue” it’s a YOU issue… you not enjoying it is your issue. If you’re not having fun, go play something else… don’t force yourself to play something you don’t enjoy.

He’s done this before, he wants “YES MEN” and is just completely incapable of being happy with anything. He’s just an angry :troll: projecting… just think he’s claimed to be a Michelin star chef.

Take a break and come back refreshed. Speaking from experience, it always does wonders to make the game fun again upon returning. You appreciate the combat, class design, etc. all the more.

WoW isn’t perfect, no MMO is or ever will be, but for me it’s home. That said, sometimes one needs a vacation.

Yup, same. I can’t play any video games like I used to, or obsess over movies or shows like I used to. I’m busy and have far more important things I need to be thinking about. They are hobbies, and the second a hobby stops being fun, adults go and find something else to do.

Maybe OP will get it if they set aside their ego and anger. MAYBE.


They didn’t “forget”, they went with the money. Very few people have time to sit and no-life this game anymore. Maybe OP does, but the rest of us have jobs, kids, spouses, aka we grew up… it is what it is. The formula itself has not changed except it’s a) faster b) now you can group for story dungeons with NPCs.

:expressionless: that’s it.

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News flash, not everyone is like you.

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This might not be a WoW thing. Especially if you find yourself able to pickup/master/get bored easily. If so, this is likely an “I have ADHD” thing

What the heck are you talking about.

Most warlocks in know think mists to legion was the best warlocks have ever been.

Don’t speak for us.

NOTE: Idfk how to use forums or change my shown toon. I’ve played warlock almost exclusively since BC.

They wouldnt.

You don’t understand why world first races take so long? You’ve never gotten CE and are not capable of it, and you surely have never gotten close to getting title in M+. You talk about how easy the game is but don’t understand why new bosses in suboptimal gear takes a while for some guilds to beat. If you pushed yourself and did the harder content with your “four button” MW, you might have fun. Another thing I will point out that is bull since you claim that those four buttons could heal M+ and Raid, is that monks in Mythic prog do not fistweave or even take Jade Stomp since it’s pretty terrible for healing groups and the passive healing from it and Ancient Teachings are worthless in raid. The builds play very differently but of course you’re still stuck in some weird BfA past life so you haven’t actually accomplished anything since then I assume or maybe ever since you have always played a massively multiplayer game solo. I would almost bet you probably didn’t clear those old heroic raids anyway when you lied about deleting max geared toons to restart. I assume you’re a troll.

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I mean yeah. But saying TWW is better than DF is like saying toast with butter is better than a plain slice of bread.
It’s better, but I’d still prefer an actual meal for once.

If I could find a guild to take me on their mythic run, I’d have the mechanics down before everyone else.

If I could pug mythic raids like EVERY OTHER DIFFICULTY IN THE GAME, I’d have CE every patch.

They’re not that hard bro. You’re just bad and don’t want to admit it.

I kinda feel you OP, I think the downside is so many difficulty levels. They have this philosophy where your grandma who is bad at video games can still see the boss while also making things challenging enough for the sweaty tryhards who have Youtube streams about the game and tend to want things more difficult. In theory it seems great, you’re making the game for so many player types right - in reality you’re only appeasing people at the very, very low end and very, very high end- and turning away everybody else. So people who just want a fun, pure game and happy medium experience… get shafted the most.

They thought casuals cared too much that they didn’t get to see a certain boss, or ‘get good’ enough in vanilla wow to have the gear and experience to see other content, so instead they just made these like 37249824723403 tiers of difficulty that over all make the game feel cheap and stale and plastic.