I want to play Alliance

I want to play on the alliance. I like the races, the mogs and the class/race spread better. The cities are easier to navigate and it feels more immersive fantasy-wise.

My problem is my guild is staunchly horde, we do progression raiding and RBGs and I do enjoy being part of that aspect of the game.

I know I can just swap and play what I like and stuff but everyone knows that the game can be a lot more fun when you have a support group.

I know it isn’t impossible for me to find an alliance guild and just play some alts on the other side but I just needed to get the secret off my chest.

Thanks for listening. Any advice is welcome.


Honestly I’m having similar issues. I basically resigned myself to using may alliance toons for cosmetic farms and low end content while I did the rest on horde. If you seriously want high end content on alliance, I think you’re only option nowadays is to move to OCE Frostmourne.

Do what makes you happy, having fun is the main aspect of the game. If you do go Alliance make sure it’s a mature 18+ guild.

Imagine playing anything other than a troll… couldn’t be me


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I don’t know what advice you’re looking for. The Alliance is still strong and active. Create a char on a decent enough realm and have fun.

Not much to it.


You’re right, it isn’t impossible to find an Alliance guild. I get that it’s not fun to start over from scratch without knowing who you’ll be able to play with, but there’s a lot more tools available now than there were before when it comes to finding guilds and recruitment outside of “hey, I’m a new level one character looking for a decent guild” messages in Trade Chat.

Look at Reddit or different server discords or even the Official Guild Recruitment forum. Find someone that’s interested in having you. Talk to them. Get to know if you think you’ll be a good fit and go from there.

Play what you want. If you’d be happier playing Alliance but want a guild to run higher-end content with, take the steps and get yourself there. That’s all anyone wants from the game, to have fun. :slight_smile:


Do it anyway

be apart of the beginning change

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is is impossible to have fun as alliance as long as horde bias exists and one faction is the sidekick while everything else is developed for horde.



Time to support cross-faction instanced grouping. :ok_hand:

Come join the train!


Convince your guildies to come over.

What are you, a vulpera cuddler? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It’s not even a stretch of the lore, the factions have been fighting the bigger threat together for several expansions.

I purpose three levels of difficulty:

  • Care Bear – everyone gets along
  • WM – several pvp areas where the players can fight each other, but a dungeon guide stops anyone from dying, eventually forcing the group to finish the objective
  • Hard Mode – all spells and abilities hurt the other faction as well as the mobs.
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Well, I’m not trying to advertise but my guild (recently joined) is very active and we’re on a small server, maybe look them up?

I don’t really play with my Alliance guild. I occasionally get on to RP with them, but other than that I play Horde.

I just talk to em all the time on Discord. But they’re very lax on being required to play and stuff.

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Play with your guild for group content. Have alliance characters to do other stuff.

Just roll an Alliance alt then? Pick a higher pop server and see if you find a guild you like. In the meantime stick with your Horde guild. No need to throw all your eggs in one basket.

come with us at stormrage

But seriously, I agree. Roll Horde. :grinning:

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You can’t possibly be playing with your guild 24/7. Just make an alliance alt you do solo content with.

Or better yet, start a sister guild of your current guild for Alliance alts, so your other friends who also would want to play Alliance sometimes can do that without losing their community.

Not quite, but they were a necessary step in the creation of elves so their existence is forgivable.

Glad I don’t have this problem being as I’m an already Alliance and am going to continue playing Alliance.

Stay horde. That’s the dev faction and is a much more fun experience.