I want to make a new character

what kind of character should i make? only thing i got planned, is i’m going horde. everything else, well… i’m indecisive about. i just know i wanna go horde, and play something chill.

what do you folks suggest?

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horde is nothing but imo u could be a monk its rly fun trust me

If there’s a class you haven’t played pair that with the least played Horde race. Which is probably High Mountain or Nightborne.

Goblin Shaman and act like the elements owe you money.


If you’re looking for something you can turn your brain off and vegetate while you level, I recommend bm hunter.

Elements owing you money? That’s for weaksauce goblins. Be a goblin priest and tax everyone for every sin, major or minor! Even your friends…especially your friends! Never place friendship above profit. A goblin without profit is no goblin at all!

Greed is eternal. :ear::balance_scale::moneybag:



If you want something strong in BGs and DGs but relatively simple to play I recommend Arcane Mage.

You are already playing the best class in the game, just wrong race. Should be human. Keep the meme dream alive.

Vulpera Monk. the Zen cant be more chill than that.

I decided the other day I’d like to try a holy priest. I figure I’ll level through a whole bunch of dungeons. You should give that a go too!

I second the idea of a Goblin priest.

Atonement right here… for a price.

Make a vulpira death knight, be a fuzzy ball of death.

I suggest playing a spec or class you haven’t tried.

Some fun classes I have enjoyed this expansion.
Night Fae ret/prot paladin
SV hunter all covenants is fun with the aoe build.
Enhancement is fun, venthyr I really like for Chain Harvest.
Monk is fun, aoe build.
Fury is nice again mythic plus build.
Demon/destro lock is nice to burn everything.
Balance druid can be nice.
Demonhunter is simple yet gets the job done.

If you don’t plan on doing dungeons or pvp Veng DH is pretty chill. Nothing in the open world barring armor stripping/anti-healing mobs or world bosses can kill you so you can do whatever you want.

I like pulling entire areas in Korthia and tanking rares in the middle of the night to help out the players that can’t solo stuff as easy.

Guardian Druid is lots of fun.

Nothing more chill than a Tauren druid.

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Dang nabbitt I just went back to playing alliance for a while and I had to see this absolutely brilliant idea.

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Elf rogue, of course.


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Hey, those are the best stealth animations in the game right there.

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