I want to mail gold from my alt to my main

Approx. 100g from herbalism. Is this too risky considering how crazy the automated ban system has been? I’ve seen people getting banned for less! What’s the best way to get gold from my alts to my main without Blizzard interfering?

Did you buy gold? If not, then you have nothing to worry about.


Just do it

Don’t do it they are banning innocent players.


We both know that’s not true.

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Suspended player here.

You’re gonna be fine if they’re on the same account.

If you do get suspended, I don’t have a lot of faith in CS to reverse it.

They say that the suspensions won’t be reviewed or reversed when they hand them out.

My guess is that CS sees something is for gold buying, sends a copy/paste, and closes out the ticket without any review.

They just laid off a lot of their employees, I don’t have much faith in their efficacy at the moment.

Of course it’s true. Blizzard can easily see if 2 characters are part of the same account.

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No worries, OP.

Gold buyers are just lying saying they were falsely banned.


Yep I’m sure all the reports of people being falsely banned are just all made up.

I don’t think sheeps know their sheeps

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Easy enough to say, but as somebody who has an anxiety disorder I am going to worry about it even though I know my gold is…

  1. Legit
  2. On the same account as my main
  3. earned though the AH.
  4. needed back on my main to buy riding skill.

Infact me worrying about this whole “don’t move money or get banned” thing is the sole reason I don’t have a mount yet. As I have more then enough money on alts/bank to pay for it, but too nervous about tripping something in the AI and getting banned and not being able to participate in my guilds first gnomer, even if the ban is later overturned.

Yes, they are lying. As per Josh Greenfield in a recent interview, RMT is much easier to track now that GDKP is banned. He said GDKP is an excellent way to launder gold, same as I and many others have been saying on the forums for years.


Live a little.

If you don’t cheat you won’t be banned.

Swipers lying about false bans maybe need a forum vacation if it’s actually making legitimate players nervous.

Yes. This is a tale old as time.

GDKP supporters fear mongering no surprises here. Don’t buy/sell gold and you won’t get banned it’s really that simple


Imagine thinking that you can somehow launder a digital currency.


Sure, let me take your word for it over the game developer. :clown_face:

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You’re talking to someone who’s admitted to selling Tokens in Wrath to transfer that gold to SoD.

Pretty obvious what their priorities are.

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I have never sold a token in my life…