I want to be invisible to the guy harassing me - This is NOT a pvp issue

this does literally nothing. i had someone make a character with my first/last name and harass me in game. blizzard did nothing.


I already am, thanks. 9_9
Women can’t just choose not to have dudes creep on us and follow us around. It’s not a choice. It’s not a matter of ignoring because these dudes make it their business to make us aware that they are obsessed with us.

EDIT: And other folks too. Not just women face harassment.


I was stalked like this back in TBC, really your best bet is keep him unblocked set up your chat to show time stamps screenshot ALL of it, have any guildies or out of guild friends do the same, expect this to take months, and remind yourself this is the adult version of a child screaming crying and soiling themselves because they were told they cannot have another cookie before dinner. keep reccords of harassment on all other sites too make sure time and date etc are visible in each, whenever possible.

You have my deepest sympathy that you are going through this, also stay strong and stick to not believing the enabling bs comments about just ignore him and he will go away, just have thicker skin etc those are idiotic statements ment to protect douchebags sense of entitlement to be nasty to others just because its online.


Don’t appreciate the victim blaming, thanks. I didn’t do anything. He hates me because I’m a girl.


Also don’t even reply to people who are likely sockpuppets/ friends of your stalker trying to bait you into stressing out even more.


Harassment/bullying is against the TOS… He should have been banned by now.

I guess Blizzard just doesn’t care.


Bold of you to assume those guys have friends.

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What server are you on? Im sure i can deal with him quickly and democratically.

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There’s this one guy on my old server who made a lot of enemies by going afk in dungeons constantly and just generally acting like a prick. If this guy talks in world chat, he gets ripped on by at least 1 person and sometimes 10+ people will be going off about him.

But this guy just doesn’t care. If someone talks crap he denies it once, but after that he just ignores it and continues on with his LFG spamming. Or he’ll make a joke about ‘bad boi LFG’ to go along with it.

The people who don’t like him don’t group with him. But I seem him still getting groups every single day. All the harassment literally has no effect on him because he doesn’t let it, and just plays the game.


Unfortunately they do, often lots, I should know I used to hang in those circles for the lulz at watching people get trolled, doxxed etc then I matured and was like Bite wtf is wrong with you and left those circles.

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He isn’t blaming you, he is just curious.

I am, too, what happened that made him obsessed with making you quit the game? Did you win Drake Fang Talisman over him? Lol


And…you are an idiot for even saying that.

Blizzard has always been bad about this.

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Well, they DID put harassment/persecution/bullying in their TOS so I expect them to do something about it.

I guess they’re just understaffed nowadays and don’t really care.


They didn’t care ten years ago when it happened to me.


Not cool.
People sometimes act irrationally. Doesn’t matter what may or may not have happened. OP feels as they are being harassed and seems to be upset with a lack of action.

OP, only thing I can recommend is to put them on ignore and KEEP them on ignore. I’ve heard that if Blizz reviews accounts (yours and theirs) if you have responded to them/interacted with the harasser in any way, they will reset the counter. Meaning they will not consider anything that has happened and you will need to start the process again.

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Well then that’s just terrifying.

Saw this happening to someone else in world chat once. I was owner of the channel and decided to ban them. When they started cursing me out and continued to trash talk the person, I reported them.

Hopefully people start reporting harassment when they see it even if they’re not the target. I know it doesn’t really solve the problem since blizzard sits on their hands with this topic but banning from world until tuesday would at least shut them up for a while.

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Yeah. Sometimes what this guy does is hard for an outsider to see as harassment. Aside from making stuff up, he’ll sometimes just repeat things I’ve said but completely out of context as a way to make me look “cringe” or meme me. It’s very hard to deal with because someone with no context in chat channels is either confused, or thinks what he’s doing is harmless. But his actions are still a reminder to me that he is watching everything I say publicly. It’s designed to make me uncomfortable even if it’s not cussing or trashing.

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Sounds like what you have is much worse and I hope it gets resolved somehow.

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