I want the easiest possible Dragonflight experience

I was all set to play Monk through Dragonflight and was feeling pretty good about it. I want to do all of Dragonflight on “Easy Mode.” I want to play the most overpowered class with the fewest buttons. I’m pretty tired of being an elf, but unfortunately, with the Monk nerfs incoming tomorrow, I’m thinking I might be forced to elf it out for another expansion.

What do you think the most OP, easy-mode class will be going into Dragonflight? My emphasis is on solo questing, taking out rares by myself, and not being stressed.

Any suggestions?

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BM hunter, even after the nerf to War Orders.


I have managed to make my Destro lock have like four buttons. My Enhance shaman has like five.

BM hunter has like… three or four? There is lots of classes!

Also Prot paladin. Here is Icy-Veins guide for “easy mode” they have one for each class/spec.

The Protection Paladin rotation is not very complicated, since all abilities have different cooldowns, and you basically just press whatever is coming off cooldown next.

Literally roll your face on the keyboard.


maybe theyl let u reach max level by watching a streamer hit max

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That would actually be lit. I’m interested.

I’ll still want to go back and do all the quests myself though, and when I do, I’ll want them to be as easy as possible.

I’m trying to figure out if you’re serious or not. I mean, pretty much everything in WoW is “easy mode” for questing unless you handicap yourself. Taking out rares solo might be harder for some classes until later in the xpac.

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That’s the caveat. I may well handicap myself, because the number of abilities I’m supposed to use is an issue. Fewer is better, and if a class needs me to be busy for it to be easy, I will end up handicapping myself by playing that class.

Frost Death knight. 2hand obliteration build is 3 buttons + 1 cooldown + 1self healing button.

Oblit, then either howling blast or frost strike. Pillar of frost on cd every 45 or so seconds.

If you do decide to get a bit fancier, you could do the frostscythe howling blast build which is basically the same number of buttons, but it’s AoE and prioritizes different secondary stats.


Oh that’s another one!

I want to try playing this one on a controller or something.

yeah FDK is streamlined to the max , the game highlights what button u need to press , plus is tons of fun to play

only hard thing FDK has going for it is BoS but still manageable thanks to dual empower rune weapon :smiley:

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Make a Human BM Hunter

While monk was overpowered briefly…it has a ton of buttons. If that is what you were looking for then Monk was a bad choice in the first place.

monk nerfed come next reset so meh.

I have a bajillion monks, so even with all their abilities, I can do the rotation in my sleep.

But it really wasn’t that many buttons anyway, because I’d just do Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Fists of Fury, and Whirling Dragon Punch. That was it.

Evoker. The new lizard race will be the most effective, easiest. Whenever they introduce a new race/class, the expac it comes out in is it’s time to shine.

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Any spec is easy enough to learn. If you want the best chance of being OP go warlock or mage. Almost always can expect to have a spec that is in the top 3 dps.

BM hunter, Frost mage, Destro lock.

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Oh, good, I have a paladin I need to level, i’m looking forward to this.

I’ve got four buttons on my DH’s bar and it’s still too many somehow. I’m dumb and require easy rotations for my non-monks. I may also just be trash at DH, but that’s neither here nor there.