I want my Warband ALTS to be my Dungeon Followers!

Not gonna lie, I am unsure myself. :wink:

(Sips :beer:)

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THIS, when I read about the warbands I was thinking on that, some kind of guild wars style partys with my alts, not what we got, to be honest I WOULD be so happy to gear my alts while using them as followers, the entire 5 man party on the main screen, sadly, wow devs dont think out of the box

Thanks for telling me! I need to be up to date with the internet slang.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

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Would be cool. But I DO like that characters form the story join you. Not just rando companions.

i try my best to be up to date on modern vernacular, most of it I can just figure out by context, but for everything else I have my 13 year old to ask :joy:

This has sort of been accomplished in a certain tool related the “core” of a 3.3.5 era of the game, where indeed, you can bring your own alts online as bots, and run raids and dungeons with them. And it’s pretty damned fun.

I’d be totally fine if they just did it in a way that the NPCs looked like our alts. I don’t have any healers and only a couple characters in the tank spec that still do dps, lol. I would love to have my crew come along for an adventure though, 100%!


Honestly, id be happy with just the “skin” of my characters.


Yo this would be so fun! I love this idea, though they’d have to add a 5th character to the warband to make your complete party. I’d looove to have all my little guys running with me.


five of my favorite idiots in murloc onesies coming right up!

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I would love this option!


I like the idea of being able to use my warband as an xmog for dungeon followers at a minimum. Like if my follower tank looks like my warband tank (that you can specify). Being able to have a full warband group that you could actually gear up from running dungeons would be really engaging. The potential to gear up 5 characters at once would really make alts even better. Especially if you could keep progressing into mythics or some new alternate “mythic-follower” dungeon type to keep the sweats happy.


Your post would be a lot better without all the attitude.

For me, I just think it would be nice if the ALTS were my followers, even if they only had the same AI and moveset that the current ones do…the only difference would be in the actual graphics of my Alt toon versus that of the generic followers. And yes, I do know that that is not very difficult code to implement.


I’m pretty sure that already exists with the Follower dungs in general. I’ve run several and they play great right now so I think it’s just about adding our Warband’s char skins. The wouldn’t necessarily have to implement the talents I chose or anything like that. Like if I have a DK that I want to have as my tank, then they just apply my DK’s skin to the default DK-Tank.


I actually THOUGHT this was what they are going to do with delves, I am shocked that they didnt do it.

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Honestly its a bit wild that this wasn’t a big “back of the box” feature.

I’m going to assume that the way they implemented Warbands being hat on butt difficult already and that this is maybe a future plan. But it is weird that such a plan wasn’t thought of as like the first key feature after they finalized the Follower Dungeons.

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This is a brilliant idea.

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I’m a bit irritated that i never thought of this!

This would be awesome! They can even have the same strength and abilities as the regular NPCs, the warband heroes would just be cosmetic.


Agreed, and brought up during testing. I also suggested the warband should be 5 characters in the character select screen to correspond, as one option to set it up.

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