I want gold glowing eyes!

Who else thinks with all these new eye options and updates that paladins should get a gold glowing eye option for all races?


It would be a nice customization option.
I get why all Blood Elves get it via the Sunwell.
Would be nice if it were possible for Paladins to have it. Perhaps even Priests (so long as in Holy or Disc spec).

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Yeah, some sort of quest like with night elves for all holy users. I could see that getting some backlash from other classes, but it could be like the green fire lock quest. Would be nice since I’m pretty sure the mount quest is gone. If it became that big of a deal, they could just hand out elemental/magic eyes to everyone, wouldn’t be hard.

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I agree! I think it would be a neat customization for Paladins.

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Only works in Legion zones… but was nice.


When the Ogre gets charged up with the Light in the Mag’har unlock chain, it made me wish all pallies could get it. Make it a class quest or something to unlock the option?

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Bloodelves have the customization. Join the superior faction.