I want Fish People as an Allied Race for the Alliance

Would play Jinyu frost mage.

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Or a shaman healing with my waters!

It means hit them in the mouth/face.

Their words often have multiple meanings but largely mean the same thing.

ook and ookem means hit/fight. dooker means mouth.

We know this because of the hozen in the gladiator pit in azsuna. All of us have thought that dooker meant your rear end but that isn’t the case as they say in azsuna They will “ook your in the dooker and the rear end.”

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What do you mean when you say “model?” All playable races have one distinct skeleton (2 total, but 1 per gender) with models that accommodate alternate facial features, skin textures, and other customization options.

At launch, male Kul Tirans had an array of selectable skin textures. But does this mean they had multiple models, or are you counting the thin and “average” variants as well? In terms of faces, men only had two, and the hair customization was incredibly limited. A lot more work had to be done on the Kul Tirans, which is why it took all the way until March for them to be playable despite the expansion proper launching in August.

At first glance, it looks like the Ankoans at least have alternative skin textures. They do indeed borrow a skeleton from the night elves, but that’s standard among allied races at this point. A female model would need to be developed and facial features would need to be added. “Hair” could just be the placement and length of their fins, or even foregoing fins at all like the Jinyu in MoP do.

Are these guys ready to go? Certainly not. But considering how long it takes for a race to be developed as “playable” compared to the date in which they are first revealed to us, I’d say playable Ankoa/Jinyu aren’t necessarily off the table.

My support for playable ankoan. They would need about the same amount of work as nightborne required but they are doable and we have time.

I know I would make an ankoan samurai-esque toon either being a warrior or rogue.


Hopefully we… uh… get slightly better results than what happened with the Nightborne :neutral_face:

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customization wise there are various fish species they could use as customization options. Things such as piranha, angler fish, and even a fun goldfish skin as well.

Jinyu evolved from murlocs. Given akoan’s similar appearance but obviously suited for a more deep sea environment I believe we will learn they evolved from coldlight murlocs.


Jinyu/Ankoan are the Future way of Murlocs but Better Evolved Murlocs of their own Unique Culture and many FIsh Customization Options too.

Give me!!!

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Instead of two reskin races with terrible concept ideas.

You may want to take a closer look. That model uses the night elf male rig with slight alternations

They look cool with their racial armor equipped. Not sure if I could get through 110 levels of them trying to pass themselves off in Might and Shadowcraft.

Also they desperately need their own idle animation, or they’re still going to look like Night Elves who had a little too much to drink at the Darkmoon Faire.

There aren’t any fish ladies so this isn’t happening.

well fishes don’t have the typical female assets we know of. I think it would be interesting to give races such as sethrak and ankoan not a different model but instead different customization options.

These races are not mammals. Use different methods to distinguish them.

Somebody has uploaded a video with various voice lines from 8.2, including some Ankoan. For lacking a female model currently, some of them sure sound feminine–or at least strangely androgynous.

Hunter Akana may be a woman, at least. She sounds a bit like a female tauren and female orc to me, but what do you all think?


I voted for these before, but won’t personally make one, doubt they would be popular.


They would be more highly requested then Mechagnomes or Lightforged Undead anyday.

When you think about it. Horde is getting another unique race that isn’t just a Goblin Reskin. Yes Vulpera do have a Goblin Model but its been made completely different from the regular Goblin. If Ankoan gets a Unique Model just like Zandalari Trolls, Kul’tirans, and Nightborne. Who knows. Maybe there’ll be a Different Model Ogre probably from the Kul’tiran one and maybe even High Elves in terms of Human One or Night Elf One.

Just got to think of how well the Race is. Right now Patch 8.2 is still in Development so We’ll have to see how it goes when more News about Patch 8.2 Races goes.

True, better than Panda’s, Gnomes, Goblins, Dwarf’s and Undead to me personally, but I don’t think I would make one.

The concept of Allied races is to be a reskin, exception only for Zandalaris and Kultirians that has totally new models and animations, cause they are the main races of the expansion. So, don’t wait for Ankoan to be a allied race.

Zandalari and Kul’tirans are not exception either. These are common myths. For one. Zandalari are still trolls and Kul’tirans are still humans. Both share similar principles and Kul’irans decent from the titans like regular humans.

Next thing is that their rigs aren’t unique. Vykrul and the male vengeance demon hunter were two models that shared a similar rig to them before they came out.

When you think about it. Horde is getting another unique race that isn’t just a Goblin Reskin. Yes Vulpera do have a Goblin Model but its been made completely different from the regular Goblin. If Ankoan gets a Unique Model just like Zandalari Trolls, Kul’tirans, and Nightborne. Who knows. Maybe there’ll be a Different Model Ogre probably from the Kul’tiran one and maybe even High Elves in terms of Human One or Night Elf One.

We don’t have an aquatic race right now and mechagnomes if released would be the first cyborg race. Both races examples of racial professions being taken to extremes(Alchemy and Mekkengineering). They fit great together and Gilgoblins can be a great race if done right.

Keep the monsters in the Horde. We hardly want Worgen… but whatcha going to do…