I want a toy that plays garrison music anywhere i go

it sucks unlocking 20-some different music rolls but they can only be played at garrison

why cant i play that music anywehre else without having to youtube

give us a toy that lets us pick a garrison roll music to play anywhere. call it a walkman or something like that, just let us pick the music we hear in zones wtihout having to youtueb

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There’s the portable juke box. It should have the sound upgraded.


that only plays sound if youre right next to it i think and yeah the quality of the sound is from the 1920s


i wouldn’t mind having one as long as blizz don’t put some dumb cooldown on it or like you must be level whatever they really need to step their toy game up.


Maybe a toy reward for collecting a massive amount, use the toy and it puts a pair of headphones in your head slot mog position and covers your in game sounds with music just like a pair of headphones would.


You can buy the goblin made walkman but that comes with headphones that run the risk of exploding at any given moment. Buyers beware!


In the meantime, you could play the songs in the background!

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Granted, but it’s just me standing there playing songs for an hour…

Would an addon be acceptable?

No, the OP is clearly serious about garrison music so the only way to make it work is to add an app to the play store and iOS App Store as well which would play all garrison music with Bluetooth and wireless headphone support, and also add garrison music ringtones to your phone. All for just $4.99 (current wow subscribers get $1 off)