The pandaren male model is too obese and silly. They carry all of their fat in the bottom of the model and look like a butternut squash, The run animation is goofy and bad and too bouncy. Most gear looks weird on them, especially belts (hang weirdly low on their droopy guts) and shoulders (too small for their frame). Prior to MoP, art depictions of pandaren were more dignified and even intimidating. They’re a cool race and deserve to not look like a joke, especially as a playable race.
I would like to see them get a model update or option that makes their physique more dignified and formidable. Warcraft 3 reforged nailed it for example.
I play a male Pandaren warrior. usually Plate armor looks terrible on them, stretched all weird across their bellies.
I donʻt mind he animations so much, lends to the playful side of the race IMO. I do appreciate the special weapon animations they use tho.
Yeah…another reason why most play the female pandas over the men. For a moment there I thought OP was saying he wanted a pandaren guy who’s not fat when in pandaria you’re literally mocked by at least one NPC if you don’t got a belly on you
From what you described, the Kul’tiran males suffer a little bit from that as well. Blizzard has the artistic talent to design better armor on them. Case and point…
I have to agree though, if armor looked more like this on them. I would seriously consider a race change.
Completely agree OP. I like the they way look standing still…but their running animation makes them unplayable for me. If they firmed up the belly a bit it would make a world of difference.
My panda monk is ready to roll if they ever do fix them…(I also really wish that armor set wasn’t horde only)
This is exactly what I would want them to look like. I don’t even mind them having some fat on them but their fat distribution is really weird and unappealing, if they just shifted it up toward their chest and made them a bit more muscular they’d be a lot cooler.
As it stands they’re one of the least played races for good reason, if they looked more like this they’d probably be one of the most popular.
Just because the definition itself doesn’t include the word weight doesn’t mean I can’t use it to describe something involving weight that’s not how words work