Remember in shadowlands post season when we got smacked with a 25% aura nerf?
Then they buffed us by 5% and then 10% later on down the line?
So that means these recent 10% buffs to abilities targeting the elementalist build are just pruned off of the 10% aura nerf we still have sitting on us from the start of the expansion. Fake buffs.
Also, none of those buffs target windfury, doom winds, alpha wolf, ascendance… and why wouldn’t they buff the worst build for a spec? Enhance tree is designed like 8.5/10, but the fact that some things just don’t give you as much value but are super fun is just miserable.
Uncapped physical wolf build deserves its love too, why did we not just get a full 10% aura buff?
Oh, and to people tired of seeing my name, i’m tired of not seeing enhancement in patch notes and it not being a rework incoming.