but since we don’t actually have the purple skin-tone, and glowing eye options, i’m gonna try for the next best thing… mag’har grey skin, and fire-y eyes. now, here’s the part where i ALWAYS get indecisive about: class. what class would fit a dragonmaw orc the best?
now, i’ve yet to do any questing in the twilight highlands (i tended to skip it pre-shadowlands by just questing elsewhere and doing dungeons) so i don’t know too much about the dragonmaw’s lore (i’m actually intending to learn it on this character a ‘rediscovering of their clan/past’ type of playthrough) but i really want to get into their clan’s mindset/roleplay with their class choice, so i would appreciate any input you fine folks can give me. 
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They’re purple? I thought they had black skin? Or gray?
Well they were under the command of a shaman in the past. Perhaps that?
Warrior would be my second suggestion
shaman or warrior huh? was kinda thinkin hunter, but was’nt so sure i could pull it off without a dragon-y pet… hmm… had’nt really considered those two classes though.
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Yeah perhaps a hunter with a rylak. Since the whole name of their clan was because they treated rylaks like dragons. Since they didn’t have natural dragons in draenor.
Like this?
Well we can always hope that eventually we get more appearance options…
An abusive hunter would suiteth one such.
They enslaved Alexstrasza and her clutch, after all, or else my memory is shoddy.
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Nah they did. They once had black dragons under their control but it seems like a lot of them broke free and were put down because of it.
Where’s Keldar!!, he’s a Dragonmaw expert!!
But yes they should add this skin choice at minimum, best could be a future allied race.
Hopefully next expansion they give us more customisation for all races!, some are severely lacking…Nightborne…
I think Warrior or Hunter would be awesome for Dragonmaw, with very minimal clothing as a tmog, embrace the savagery within you!.
Hunter I reckon. Their big historical moment was enslaving and controlling the red dragons. Seems pretty hunterly to me.
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i did one, I used the Mag’har skin tones with Yellow eyes. and the tabard. !
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But on topic - Shaman, Warlock and Hunter would be your best options. The Dragonmaw Clan was initially an elite group of shamans, specifically. Many turned to the Fel when the elements stopped answering during the Second War. And they were portrayed largely as hunters in the Twilight Highlands, although we’re kind of missing the point there if we can’t tame dragonkin.