I wanna be a summoner, damn you!

Please blizzard. i want to play demonology, ya know, the spec that summons all manner of demons. i dont like that 90% of demonology is USE FELGUARD OR LOSE A TALENT POINT! like dont get me wrong beefy axe boy is cool and all but it doesnt feel like im a superior summoner compared to other locks if i can only do good with a single demon


But the one Demon you use is superior to the other one Demon Destro/Aff uses lol
And Diabolist Demo Warlock summons a ton of big boy demons. You wont be lacking on the Demon Summoning fantasy in TWW.


this is just a troll post


I was just about to say this, OP hasnt seen diabolist demo in TWW apparently. You summon like 8-10 different demons or something.


wow 2 will have em

Stop trolling, everyone knows Demo can summon hounds, epic hounds and imps as well as the Felguard (and that’s not including what you get from Diabolist).

what do you mean when you say compared to other locks? are there other locks im unaware of that can summon more demons than demo?

Aren’t we already playing wow 3? Wow 2 ended with shadowlands.

I wish the devs would bring back NP in a reworked form. NP summoning a menagerie of random demons was peak demo fantasy; it was just the underlying mechanics that made it horrible to play with or balance.


Imagine if NP was a 1 min cd instant cast that summons 10 imps, 2 dreadstalkers and a vilefiend . The portal stays up for 5 secs then summons a tyrant that extends the duration of your minions.

That would so much cooler thematically than having tyrant as a cd.

Unfortunately it looks like demo will have the weird heavy cast design on its back for some time.

Can tyrant gets it’s full shard mechanic as baseline. Since it’s really awkward to try and build up those soul shards back up.

Meanwhile most DPS specs after their CD just blow their buttons up on w.e it’s rotationally comes up and we have to cast shadow bolts for a few. Till we can join in on the fun.

Id imagine it’d be annoying as all of every DPS needed to build up resources for about 4 secs before they could spam any other power abilities immediately after using their 1 damage cd.

I agree, I loved NP, hope it comes back.

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Not the way it used to be though, that design was horrible.

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Agreed if NP comes back it will not work the way currently things are. Is hard enough to get enough imps with all the casting demo currently has.

I really don’t want another cool down that forces us plant down for upward 10 secs to cast to use it efficiently.

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Personally, I wouldn’t mind if NP replaced G:FG as our 2 minute cd.

If G:FG is talented then NP would replace it and gain some type of buff (plus gain the benefits of Fiendish Oblation is talented as well). NP could be simplified to spawn a fixed number of demons so they can be balanced to actually dish out damage.

I loved the fantasy of it but yes I agree it definitely needed changed… here’s to hoping it’ll be a 2 min cd that just continuously spawns demons :pray:t3:

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I wish every spec of Warlock could have the Felguard, but thats just me.

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I wish that the warlock tree had a demon specific to each the specs. This would make them perm pets that are always out and the other Summon Demons would be used for their own things.

This I feel would allow for the Demo tree to still be the way that it is but not rely on the pet system that would make it so that if our pet dies a major chunk of our dps is taken off the board till we resummon it. It would also allow us the ability to use the bonus of having the other demons like an extra interrupt, a purge, CC, or even a bit more dps.

As a Demo main I have always enjoyed the summoning of demons, I was happy with Inner Demons in the past went it would summon random demons while in combat. I also like the Spiteful Reconstitution as it stands that allows for an Imp to be summoned from each cast of Demonbolt. However I cant really say I’m all that happy that Inner Demons now only summons Imps every 12 seconds in or out of combat and with the TWW Spiteful Reconstitution being a chance for an Imp to be summoned. I would have liked to see the chance summon to be a demon from the NP pool. Honestly I would love to see Hand of Gul’dan have a chance for that outside of the Diabolist pool when procced to also have a chance to summon from the NP pool to add some variety.


Nether portal should be a passive talent in the diabolist tree, where you have a chance to summon additional demons (from the NP summoning list of demons) as you spend shards

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That’s essentially what inner demons was, which I loved & complained about when they removed it