And I don’t care that others want the thing they missed out on, lol.
If you wanted it, you should’ve been there!
And I don’t care that others want the thing they missed out on, lol.
If you wanted it, you should’ve been there!
Agreed! Ion explained that this was intentional design - to celebrate that you were there for this thing.
It’s a living world people - if you started the game today, you are not = to a veteran of 15 years (in-game ofc).
MT was supposed to be challenging on tier? I did it on one character after playing wow for a couple of weeks without even fully understanding what it was, because at the time someone said “go do this it will go away”. No legendaries, LFR geared. It’s 100% just an “I was here” trophy that pointlessly locks some disproportionately cool stuff behind itself compared most others the game has.
Feral Druid, Unholy DK or Fury Warrior?
Btw, your non answer gives me the answer. You can’t use the easiest challenge out of all of them as your example for “lol it wasn’t a challenge.”
Everyone knew that fight could be cheesed but that didn’t make the other fights just as easy.
Bring them all back and also add another 6 tints
Havoc DH. And I’m not exaggerating about having been playing for 2 weeks at the time and having no gear. Definitely didn’t know any cheeses. Even if some are easier than others (and idk if that one was), I find it kinda funny to treat the thing as a challenge people are attached to and not as a participation trophy if I could do one after playing the game for two weeks. Just don’t see the point in gatekeeping participation trophies.
If you read anything I said in an angry tone or yelling manner, then that is a you problem. I can’t help that people feel entitled to everything these days and if they can’t have it, throw tantrums like children and resort to insults like you just did.
Just because I don’t think Blizzard will add removed mage tower skins and have an opinion, you resort to childish insults. Didn’t even read everything I said, just jumping right to conclusions like the entitled people do.
I don’t get why people are so defensive about the old mage tower rewards, it wasn’t a challenge mode at the end it was a victory lap. You outgeared it with world content loot because it was scaled for the .1 patch when ilvl scaling was at its craziest due to titanforging. I’d maybe understand if the mage tower closed in tomb or midway through the expansion but it is almost literally a “I played in legion” reward on par with the pre expansion event mounts for bfa. Having an avenue to persue old rewards, possibly one harder then the initial reward avenue would be ideal so it can be a shared experience for the player base rather then a “check out what you missed out on during a controversial time in wow’s history(all of wow past wrath).”
I support the OP. Stop removing stuff from the game.
I disagree. The original werebear looks better. The fel werebear looks like overkill.
Well said.