I understand now why they buffed Hpala

im watching Supatease play hpala and now i understand why they buffed them so that even a novice can play them and still succeed in arena. And the reason is no one wants to play a healer in pvp cause its not fun soooo let’s just make hpala overpowered with a very simple rotation and seems to be working

How are they overpowered? I’ve just not seen them do anything that crazy. Do you have a VOD of some sort?

easy classes should be good. allows people to do well at the game without much effort, which brings in more people to arena. if everything is complicated people do not want to play. and wow is already a pretty complicated game outside of rotations.


Why do this to yourself, the guy seems super insufferable

WoW is not complicated it just has a lot of buttons imo. Too many, not impactful abilities.

depends what buttons we’re talking about here. but wow pvp is complicated and it takes A LOT of games to figure it out. if someone is feeding you information it helps tremendously.

He is being carried hard by his mate

Honestly the healer shortage is so bad this might weirdly save pvp…but Hpal meta = dampen meta…it happens everytime
Bubble , bop, Sac, Sac, wings, repeat…

Lmao Hpal meta is never a dampen meta. It was in SL S4 but that was more a product of Mage Lock than it was paladin being a dampener.

Paladin is historically a set up healer not a damp one.

MW and Druid are historically the only damp healers in the game please stop posting when you don’t play the game.

You guys need to relax with the paladin threads. Hpal is absolutely 100% fine other than it’s mana return from daybreak.

Just because you can log in to one and play it now doesn’t mean it’s too good

ur trolling right? hpal is straight up broken…

Yea, we’ll see if that’s enough

the crying masses win again lol this is just pathetic at this point Hpally is not even the best healer just more people playing


Good or okay nerfs honestly.

Horrible heavy handed nerf, couldn’t even make it past a week without being smashed back down. Enjoy the rsham/mw/rdruid meta for the rest of the season :slight_smile:

I mean why not just remove Tyr’s Deliverance as an ability. You guys obviously don’t want it to ever be strong lmao.

This didn’t age well, m’boy. Lol