I tried FF14…my thoughts

and that’s it, pretty sure you could do that in Everquest 2 if not 1

Tell me your argument is weak without telling me your argument is weak.

Ninja, Samurai, and Redmage all have big blobby UI things instead. You’re just trading staring at your buff bar for staring at your mudra/sen/balance widgets. As for WoW, that’s the thing you can get a addon to track your procs. A WoW rotation could be entirely procs and it would still beat FFXIV’s because you don’t have to stare at your buffs.

“Nuh uh, no they don’t… …ok yeah you’re right, they do.”
They can do something about it if they want to, or do you think they’re too stupid to add in protection like other mmos?

You can use the simplified versions.

I don’t stare at the game’s class ui or buffs. The game gives me auditory and very distinct alerts when things can be done with my gauges. Also if you have to actually stare at timers or buffs, you’re just a bad player. Especially with red mage where if you have procs it shows up in the scrolling combat text. Or you can do what I do and have another action bar by your character with the buttons to check the procs by the glowing frame. I only need to check my red mage gauge once every like 6 casts, half the time I don’t really need it because I know not to spam too much of one element.

Same thing with rogue. I don’t need to constantly reference my weakauras to know when SnD and Expose Armor are gonna fall off. I actually know how to play my class and have a good idea of those timers alone.


My results can speak for themselves. Take a good look buddy, you’ll never see those kinds of colors on your logs.

All you’re telling me is that weakauras hard carries you.

Careful, you’re gonna chafe it fondling yourself that hard.

Honestly no, because this kind of stuff comes normal to me. I’m desensitized to the sensation of doing good because it’s just natural to me. I basically am conditioned to expect it, I’m seriously confused when I somehow pull anything less than an 85 parse if I was alive the entire fight.