I treated BFA to harshly

I think we all judged BFA too harshly. I wish we can undo SL’s and DF and go back to BFA. WoW needs a reboot.


Other than various problems with azerite, and 8.3. BfA was pretty good and 8.2 was probably the best patch they’ve made, once you could fly. Nazjatar was pretty annoying on the ground.

Overall dungeons and raid were excellent. For the most part I only run FH and underrot this season, and underrot was one of my least favorites at the time.

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Dude they made both factions seriously dumb just to advance the plot what are you talking about?


BFA was great. The only issues were the ludicrous requirements to get Pathfinder and the steadfast refusal to reduce the requirements well into 2 xpacs later.

And the dungeon scaling was broken for an entire year in the zone all new players went to. That was atrociously lazy.

The stories and quests and zones themselves are great.


My question is, Who was it that cut Teldrassil down leaving only a stump? Granted it was a big stump but a stump none the less with branches sticking out the side.

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The story of the zones were tied better together for Zandalar than Kul’tiras :world_map::robot:

…although I wouldn’t compare the horde campaign to the alliance campaign. :microscope::robot:

I think it’s fair to call the horde being boneheads in BfA as they say they’ll do something but won’t do it. :scroll::robot:

… especially Saurfang, Halforcen, and Summermoon. :axe::robot:

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Interesting. I feel the opposite.

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BFA was saved by its later patches tbh.

My list is:

WotLK > BC > Legion > Vanilla > MoP > DF > BFA > WoD > SL > Cata

BFA had many faults. But DF Suffers from things to do. I know a few hated mission tables but I miss them. They were optional but we also lost the ability to get augment runes because of it. Dps at least. Haven’t used a single one this entire xpac, and with the price supposedly being 100k, it looks to be I wont for the rest of the xpac.
I miss having something to build up or work on too. People hated AP but it was nice having something to always build on. Even anima was fine imo. I realize this is controversial. But you have to admit, we have nothing this xpac. All we have is raid, M+, and PvP. Getting gear is a joke as you can get 4 piece current tier <20 minutes after dinging 70.

We have a bunch of events that die off the moment another one is added. Siege on dragonbane and feasts, dead. Storms, dead. The forbidden reach and vaults, dead. Time rifts, dead. Even dream surges are already dead for the most part.

Adding new things is fine, but blizz did nothing to keep them alive or relevant.

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Spirit Link Totem and Prayer of Mending had a cast time. BFA can sod off.

Despite the fact that I don’t enjoy the faction war at all, MoP and BFA were 2 of my favorite expansions. I loved the alliance zones and Boralus. I played the Horde side first as that was my primary faction up until recently, but when I went back through and played the Alliance side I ended up enjoying it much more.

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BFA Will always be second from the bottom because it had all the worst bits of Legion plus a faction war with all the horribleness that entails.

Also it added a Friendly Mogu faction that wound up being depressingly anticlimactic. If it was in MoP, a friendly Mogu faction would have been a massive deal. In BFA? Mount vendor.

No amount of rose coloured Glasses will change how I feel about it


MoP > BFA > DF > Legion > BC > Wrath > SL > WoD > Cata

I will not be taking questions, thank you.

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why don’t ppl like tbc more? genuinely curious

also i only played a bit but
tbcc > classic > wrath > df > sl

i won’t count bfa since i tech never reached it but id put it behind wrath i guess

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For me It’s just bad memories of my earliest days in a Backwater RP Server.

TBC seems to be absolute crack if you had a good guild, but if you weren’t on the initial Wave, you were just stuck in the foreverclimb


I’d say for me it woud be

MoP>Cata>Vanilla> Wotlk> WoD> Legion & BfA > Shadowlands & DF

BfA had it’s moments but overall did lots of damage to the story. I place it with Legion as it did massive damage via homogenisation. I really disliked class lore and how everyone got lumped together. And sadly the trends continue.

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