Yeah I’m 100% on board with the teleporting to old zones locations, screw that.
What part of my post said anything, anything at all, about multiple accounts? Or even that people don’t have them? Do you mean second character? Are you drunk right now?
My first points in that reply are to your obvious naivety with using the WoW forums. My 2nd is pointing out, again, that you obviously have no experience with group content if you think it has any level of difficulty beyond being able to breathe. And my final point is a humorous jab at your poor grammar.
That’s not Vanilla. That’s 10 days after Wrath launched originally.
I just have an active sub with 0 shadow lands movement on both my toons ive posted on and happen to come to the wrath forums to say we should either get an altered RDF or have it placed in when it was actually placed in and not on release for almost no reason
I actually saw this post and resubbed for it to step on some dreams
List everything in retail please so I can see if those are all the things I want in Wrath.
I’ll check back when I wake up.
Here are some things that were added from later patches for either TBC or Wrath
faster leveling in the old world
tons of class changes
the zeppelin from Org to TB
people being able to queue a bg from anywhere
That’s nowhere NEAR a complete list. So, do you really want to go there about when stuff is added?
All that toxic behavior you claim not to want is ALREADY THERE. Except now, you ALSO have to deal with people not taking you because you were a certain class or spec. Ask rogues and dps warriors how that was. Or DKs now. All adding RDF does is add some convenience.
So cool, so smart…
Achievements didn’t come out in vanilla they came out in wrath, how are you supposed to have an achievement before they came out?
And yes like I said this is a second account not my original account, not a second character, a second account, keeping up yet? You accused me of
You want to be right, you want to sound cool and awesome sooo bad, but I’m sorry to have to tell you this, you don’t sound that smart, keep trying though I bet you’ll do it at some point.
Meh tbh the worst part was trying to get groups on the classic release just because I was ahead of the pack on my rogue and everyone ahead of me was mage mailing everything.
People caught up after a few days and hasn’t been so bad.
Looking forwards to getting fan of knives tho for sure
Honestly, I’ve only had a couple of bad groups and that was due to poor tanks and healers.
Every other group AOE farmed every instance. Especially with Pali tanks. It’s been crazy easy.
The LFG tool isn’t horrible either. Admittingly, like the LFD tool, I do forget that I threw my name into the hat though.
Now, I do dislike how everyone assumes a spec, since I’m trying to learn my end game spec while leveling. Does it make it slower? Yea, a bit, but seriously, not much. I really only play on the weekends and hit 66 on one of the fresh servers tonight. That includes goofing around with professions and dealing with the BS event.
But no, dungeons are by far not hard leveling wise. And I remember the Wrath ones being super easy in addition.
I want everything in classic that is in retail, they just better not call it retail because I hate retail.
Not everything, but because I’m bored I may as well take the bait on Retail features I would actually like in Wrath Classic:
-Dungeon maps. And dungeon journal.
-AH overhaul
-Account-wide pets/mounts
-Tradeable pets
-Communities (the multi-guild lite feature thing)
-Scale down level toggle. Especially with boosting wrecked, would be great for helping friends get started/level alts
-Toys tab
-improved guild tracking info
Some Wrath features I’m still waiting to see implemented in Wrath Classic, because they belong in Wrath
-Dance Studio
-RAF (or at least give me my damn rocket)
Yes the toxic behavior IS still there you are 100% correct, 100%, which is why most people who’ve played this game with the original wrath want a course correction to stop the toxicity from continuing. If you look at the population of the game it went downhill after wrath, if you look at the changes Blizzard did to create a faster, simpler and easier game you can see where the toxic player mentality came from.
It was the over simplistic convenience were lazy people could log in, “gogogo” through a dungeon as fast as they could to get max xp, loot, and gold, and not give a dam about other players. They could grief groups with zero consequences, if you as a tank did not want to take the beratememt of the player you could leave but get saddled with a 30 min debuff, and the toxic player could keep on being toxic.
This is still true in retail today, if a run can take 10 minutes and it’s done in 13 because you’re new to a role or whatever the toxic berating is set on full force. NO ONE wants that, so instead of launching the EXACT SAME THING people want to either stop it or change it to help stop the toxic behavior. NO ONE wants to take away from another players time or enjoyment, however we do want to steer the game away from toxic garbage.
Yes, I accused you of not participating in any group content throughout Classic, Original TBC, Original Wrath, or TBCC.
Not because I stalked your account and couldn’t find proof, but because you have zero concept of how group content has played out. AoE/burst DPS groups are king, and Wrath dungeon content is by far the easiest the game has to offer.
Again, it’s not whether you have proof of having completed a dungeon. It’s that you claimed CC and special group comp was needed for clearing content, when it hasn’t been the case for the entirety of the Classic experience, and it definitely was never the case in Wrath (which you claimed is when the game gets harder.)
Please, sober up and try again.
But what I’m saying is you’re not stopping any of that by excluding RDF.
What’s funny is, I actually agree that RDF probably changed the community for the worse back in 2009. However, that damage is done and can’t be undone. All you’re doing now is letting Blizzard make huge changes to their most successful expansion because you’ve deluded yourself into thinking that it’s this system and not the players.
And this is where you take things out of context, you try to have an argument immediately off the bat, no conversation just “I’m right you’re wrong”
The reason I’m saying this content is harder is because it’s not a 3 button combo like retail, you need to learn your class and the dungeons, if you dont have a 3 mage aoe group it’s going to be harder, if you don’t have geared people it’s going to be harder. Especially for people that are coming from retail, I don’t know how many times I’ve been in a group where people act like a tank intrinsically has threat generation because they have a shield icon beside them. Or how a healer doesn’t know how to manage mana, or DPS pull before the tank or healer is ready, that’s where the difficulty comes into play.
And yes CC is needed in game play in certain instances, you can’t just shrug that off and tell me “you’ll never need it” for zero reason, what if a pack breaks off and grabs another group, or the healer dies, or tank dies. These are the instances that CC would be needed, yet the amount of times people don’t use it and there’s a wipe, rather they would try to nuke when a nuke isn’t needed, CC is.
Stop trying to be “cool” you’re not succeeding
or at least give me my rocket
Same here. I loved that thing. It was one of like 4 mounts I used from the moment I got it to the day I quit. Mount after mount obtained and the RaF rocket is still my favorite.
It’s that you claimed CC and special group comp was needed for clearing content
In fairness this might have been needed for some heroics in the first few weeks of TBC. Having a paladin tank certainly made SH H way easier.
“there’s a hole in the boat, waters already inside so we might as well leave the hole”
Or we try and fix the hole and steer the ship away from the rocks, find a new route, look for a solution to the toxicity, make people have consequences again. I don’t know about you but I’ve been able to blacklist people from my groups and guilds by being able to know their name, with RDF I’ve been matched with the same toxic people I’ve blocked time and time again when I played retail.
We have the opportunity to make the system better why not take it, why just let the same trash decisions happen over and over again.
The player base is completely different than it was 12 years ago,
I couldn’t agree more on this facts right here folks.
Its going to be difficult doing old expansion dungeons. There is just no low levels on NON fresh servers leveling right now, most people boosted\have already leveled or are close to leveled.
I was leveling my mage and i can find a BC dungeon group within 5-10 minutes if not less.
Because blizzard added in boosts/fresh servers low level content in classic is going to be a ghost town outside of fresh no boost servers.
And this is where you take things out of context, you try to have an argument immediately off the bat, no conversation just “I’m right you’re wrong”
Have you tried not being wrong, though? All your posts in this thread that I have seen have been objectively wrong.
The reason I’m saying this content is harder is because it’s not a 3 button combo like retail
So many DPS rotations in Classic literally are just 1-2 buttons. I realize that paladin seal-twisting comes off as complicated for some people, but the majority of players who have anything resembling a complicated rotation, either use a WeakAura or another addon to simplify it to the point where it’s nearly automated. All they have to do at that point is not stand in fire.
if you dont have a 3 mage aoe group it’s going to be harder
Somewhat true in phase 1. After that, it basically just boiled down to if you had a non-paladin tank, or multiple rogues. Everyone else was just aoe burst festing their way through content. Sorry if we left you so far behind that you didn’t even know we were all doing it.
people act like a tank intrinsically has threat generation
This is true for players who have exclusively played Classic and never touched Retail. This is true for players who have that Thrall statue for 15 years uninterrupted subscription. This is true for players parsing 99s since week 1 of every raid release.
Basically: WoW players are dumb and assume that Mana Tap/Throw Weapon/Faerie Fire puts 10k aoe threat more often than not. Has literally nothing to do with your Retail boogeyman.
Or how a healer doesn’t know how to manage mana, or DPS pull before the tank or healer is ready, that’s where the difficulty comes into play.
Player stupidity does increase difficulty, but player stupidity is not built into the game.
And yes CC is needed in game play in certain instances, you can’t just shrug that off and tell me “you’ll never need it” for zero reason, what if a pack breaks off and grabs another group, or the healer dies, or tank dies.
Again, this is more a point about player stupidity than game difficulty making CC required. See above about player stupidity.
Stop trying to be “cool” you’re not succeeding
Don’t need to try
In fairness this might have been needed for some heroics in the first few weeks of TBC.
Again, this goes back to my point about them having no experience with how Classic groups have actually played out. A handful of early heroics are not indicative of the overall difficulty level throughout the expansion. Before TBCC launched, many players were convincing themselves that slow, CC heavy groups would be the only ones succeeding throughout the entire expansion. That’s far from what actually happened, though.
“there’s a hole in the boat, waters already inside so we might as well leave the hole”
A better analogy would be “the boat has already sunk. There’s no need to plug the hole anymore. Now, it’s about adjusting to not having the boat”.
I’ve been around this game a long time. I’ve seen this community change so much from when I started to now.
As an example, I remember a thread on the old forums about a mage ninjaing a dodge trinket from a druid tank in MT H. People tore this guy apart. The mage was being blacklisted left and right. You had a few people who had the “everybody can roll on it” mentality, but they were quickly shouted down. It was so bad I’m sure he ended up paying for a name change or something because after a few days I couldn’t see him in the armory anymore.
Compare that to now. Now, nobody cares about stuff like that. Nobody cares that somebody ninjaed something. The “it’s not yours until it’s in your bags” people have taken over. Nobody cares that you’re fighting your way to a node. They’ll still swoop in and take it. I could see doing that to the opposite faction, but doing it to your faction isn’t cool.
Removing RDF will fix none of that. The players are simply too different now.