I thought heirlooms were supposed to help you with leveling

It’s been a problem since they added the 120 upgrade.
People tested it and you’re actually better off only equipping the heirlooms when turning in quests.

Azurite gear has an inflated item level because it has no secondary stats. Just look at the one you get from Magni at the very start, it is a good 100 item levels above the rest of the questing gear you get at lvl 110.

The Heirloom gear is all at the normal item level. If you want a better comparison look at your heirloom pants or weapon compared to questing gear.

That’s not the issue. It has a higher item level than heirlooms. Without the xp bonus, the heirlooms are actually useless if other stuff have a higher item level. And that’s prevalent in BfA, especially with azerite armor.

you might only be noticing it now, but heirloom gear usually falls somewhere between questing greens and blues all through lvling. you can pretty regularly find things that are upgrades for them for a lvl or two as you are going if you bother to pay attention. the benefit comes from the convenience of not needing to replace them and ALL of them keeping up, especially with how fast you blast through the content now. (last time I leveled an alt I was still using a ring from old world cata by the time I hit wrath cuz I simply hadn’t gotten anything better)
azerite pieces break the formula a bit because they are THAT much better than standard questing blues, but even then, i’ve still never really bothered with them till max lvl on any heirloomed alts.


The heirlooms are moreso for the experience boost, not the power upgrade.

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Nope heirlooms have been nerfed several times now. Also, Blizzard has taken every step they can to remove powerleveling. Most of the changes including the AE cap seem to be made to remove or slow powerleveling.

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I was okay with them being slightly worse than the blues from questing but I recently upgraded my 110 chest to a 120 to help level faster and started noticed I was dying a lot quicker. Those 3 pieces of azerite gear are equivalent 6 pieces. What’s the point of leveling up 30% faster when you kill things 50% slower

You are correct they certainly are weaker than BfA Azerite blues.

They’d still be a decent pick IMO because of the fact they increase with level.

I actually haven’t given them a go yet in the prepatch or beta yet. That’s a good idea OP.

You’re a bit late to the party bro, we had this argument over a year ago Heirlooms=No azerite on leveling characters. How do we feel about that? amongst many others, just search for Heirlooms Azerite. I understand why Blizz didn’t do anything now. What sense would it have made to make an adjustment for BFA when they already knew they were going to do stuff to them for SL

Depends on what kind of player you are. Some players are like “I want harder leveling” and they would probably enjoy loom leveling in BFA because it does make the game more deadly. I’m personally of the “I wanna mollywop to 120” crowd so loom leveling in BFA is annoying.

That is fair, I know I’ll end up choosing some flavourfur trinkets if I get any while levelling. Like the perks some of them have.

Nah the AoE cap is targeted directly at Mythic+.

don’t compare heirlooms to azerite gear. a 111 in azerite gear/crafted gear will outperform fresh 120s due to scaling. The stats on heirlooms 111 to 114 are fairly low compared to the crafted counterparts(180 heirloom atm, compared to 225-231 crafted). Which is good, since if it wasn’t the case, there would be literally no reason to buy crafted gear at 111. Azerite is meant to feel powerful, so it should be better than heirlooms.

It conveniently breaks the Freehold style leveling.

A side benefit at most. They could have easily fixed that without making a drastic change to how AoE works for the entire game. Besides, the new leveling experience gives so much xp they obviously don’t care that much about how fast we level.

Hopefully they buff them because they are trash garbage on the beta and I didn’t pay gold for that.

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Obviously, they care a lot since they broke dungeon power leveling a long time ago that was in the game since Vanilla. If they didn’t care why did they nerf heirlooms several times?

To level the playing field between different kinds of players.

That is something they can never accomplish.

I don’t disagree, but I’m not in charge at Blizzard.