I think the toxic raid meta is a myth

trade be like


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Wild strikes? This is some weird alliance problem im too red to understand

My rlead just stacks shaman now anyway

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i just link my bfd logs n ppl shut up

Feel bad for melee though this phase lol

It’s significantly harder to actually get good logs this phase tbh, every fight is buggy so it’s easy to accidentally lose your world buffs due to some kind of bug, casters are all fighting for their single Priest’s PI, everyone is more reliant on crit luck and proc luck, lol.

Before we knew about cave skip, my guild wiped on Grubbis a couple times because clouds kept spawning without adds so the room just filled up with green stuff and there was nothing we could do about it.

Generally speaking I assume if I see some recent blue logs the player knows what they’re doing, although my logs are old, and also awful, so you know, glass houses. In BFD I had several 99s because it was mostly a “self-found” kind of process.

Because to your admission, you refuse to join a guild, refuse to take initiative and lead a rain, refuse to make long term connections. So of course you wouldn’t notice, because you didn’t put in the effort to build what players who were getting things done lost.

It’s the opposite; they were social, and they were broken up because people were forced into taking the more “efficient” option, that was anti social.

The path of least resistance is human nature. If a rat drop 10k gold everyone would agree it’s bad for the game, but everyone would also do it because it’s an advantage.

Not true, gnomer is a joke. It’s “harder” than BFD in that it requires the most bare minimum from the player in terms of mechanics, but it isn’t hard. It’s only hard to people who refuse to move on fights.

All my gnomers have been very social in discord, pugs and guild runs alike.

In BFD pugs didn’t use discord because you could do it brain dead and nobody talked, just blasted through and got out.

I didn’t say that… I’m in a guild currently… but we were talking about WotLK when RDF was introduced, and I was in a guild then too. The guild didn’t break up because of it.

My point was that if someone touts the social aspects of WoW, and how guilds are so great for it, then why would the guild blow up because of some other system available. It’s not like RDF guaranteed success or was more fun or anything. I found it to be something to do on alts in between raiding with my guild.

That’s your view, and that’s fine. There are enough people who disagree with you that has made pugging more of a challenge… which is why (back to the topic of this post) a “toxic raid meta” isn’t a myth. There are also some classes that are impacted more by movement based fights than others, like, say, resto shaman, which are a meme now because of it.

You misunderstood what I said then. Guilds didn’t break up, but groups of people within that guild who used to do dungeons together regularly stopped, because people just solo queued and there was no longer a necessity to have those connections and groups. The quality of the dungeon experience suffered and the social aspect of the game severely damaged.

There is people out there who refuse to do mechanics and won’t move out of the fire. That’s why people check 6/6.

Join a guild or make your own group to complete the raid once, and you won’t have issues getting future better pugs.

I don’t agree with this at all.

Every guild I have been in people will say in guild chat" running a few RDFs if anyone wants in"?

I would always do it as I play dps if my tank or healer homies are on you don’t think I’m asking them if they wanna do dungeons so I get an instant queue?

If Gnomer were limited to that mechanic, this thread wouldn’t exist, don’t be disingenuous.

People need to stop playing on the sweat-drenched streamer servers.

I’m on Wild Growth and I’ve never seen ANY of this “toxic raid meta” that the forums cry about 24/7. I’ve never seen pug groups require 90+ parses. I’ve never been in a pug group that rejected “bad” DPS like Rogues/Warriors. Hell, the last Gnomer pug I did had THREE warriors in it, and we still cleared the place in just over an hour.

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I’m in a guild, so I agree that’s the best bet, but a couple real life friends have basically quit the game because of the pug scene. They can’t dedicate time to logging on at a specific date & time every week to raid, so they tried pugging. It just wasn’t fun for them I guess.

I’m sure a lot of people don’t want to dedicate time slots in their life to raid in a 20 year old game. Pugging is their only option if they want to do the content.

Move out for chain lightning, move away from fire, move away from shockwave, move away from fire (again).

Kill eggs, kill bombs.

95% variations of “don’t stand in the fire”.

Tbh it’s rare when people here on the forums are actually able to address an issue and pin point what’s wrong with it from an unbiased standpoint. But you did it well :ok_hand:

  1. Mutilate does way too much damage.

As for the actual topic I’ve gotten into 2 pugs this lockout simply whispering “spec”.

You don’t kill eggs

Mutilate doesn’t do enough damage

Rogues are 9th on logs.

lol don’t forget to add rogues at #1-3 on your list. I think rogues are easily #1 in PVP and in PVE they’re fine, similar to SP dps if not more than SP PVE dps.

(rogue+priest main here)

cause the bosses have 900000 armor.

I trinket CS and decoy totem kidney and still get PVE’d into the dirt by Mutilate.

Then why are melee hunters crushing us?

I mean have you seen the PVp in this version?

We die to everything instantly

Speed running guilds can probably ignore that mechanic.

Regular guilds kill them to be safe.