This is my alt don’t want to anger my guildies. Heroic jailer fell over and we got aotc. I died phase 1 as in tradition. I walked off the edge. My guild still killed him and it didnt feel that good. Im glad to have aotc but that felt unfair.
So it was still too hard??
Hey Blizz… we need moar nerfs here!
Maybe some kind of safety fence?
Yeah, after two weeks of hard prog on heroic Rygelon, he’ll probably fall over along with Jailer this weekend. A short season with massive boss nerfs isn’t much fun.
They massacred my boy rygelon
At least I have the kills on raider io I guess….
My guild’s best attempt on heroic Jailer was 18% last week. After seeing the nerfs we all knew Blizz just gave us a free kill for this week. I don’t think it even took us an hour to kill him. Watching that gavel slam down and seeing no knockbacks felt like we were doing it on LFR difficulty. Jailer fell, we took the screenshot, and we just called it an early night.
No cheers, it was just a relief of finally being done with the place. This entire raid tier has just felt like we were only progressing because of Blizz dropping nerfs on whatever boss we were progressing.
not nerfed enough. I don’t wana buy a boost but I’m also beyond lazy to even attempt a boss I’ve never done outside of LFR in a pug setting…
Humanbeak wya??
I mean, a lot of tiers are like that. It’s just obscured by game mechanics. Something like Shards of Domination is basically nerfing the content to make it easier for you. Those shards aren’t “real”, you can’t use those powers in PvP or in M+, or in the next tier, it was just Blizzard nerfing the content for you.
It’s only more transparent what they’re doing.
It reminds me of how people in the alpha for WoW malded that the game penalized them for playing the game too much with a 50% XP penalty if their character was exhausted, so instead Blizzard decided to nerf all XP gains by 50%, and then give you a “bonus” (rested XP) that doubled your XP gains back to its original amount, and people praised it. All because people prefer to think they’re gaining an advantage rather than losing a disadvantage.
Ya i am surprised they hit heroic as hard as they did. But ehh oh well.
I did it on LFR last week for the first time. I had no idea what I was doing and expected the worst. LFR killed him in one try.
You may have a point here
That’s basically an aura style buff/nerf though. I agree it’s always been in the game and the reason casual heroic raids like mine get our AotC relatively late in the season. We need the boost from gear to carry the weaker players and to recover from mistakes.
This is different though. With Jailer and Rygelon Blizzard has removed entire mechanics. Dark Eruption after coming up from the Singularity was the main challenge my raid was grappling with in heroic. Now we’ll just heal through mistakes and I expect we’ll get our kill in a couple pulls. The Jailer not having knockbacks on Decimator also changes the fight a lot more than just lowering damage and boss health does. Now it’s just another swirly on the ground to avoid; not a test of situational awareness.
Agree. Re-killed him Tuesday to get new guildies AOTC and everyone was shocked at the difference.
The removal of the knock-back mechanic trivialized the entire encounter. What a joke.
The only Jailer mechanic y’all will need to work on now is the adds spawned from phase 3. Blizz didn’t do anything to nerf them… but I’m sure they’ll soon be nerfed to oblivion, too.
Speaking for everyone who has ever done LFR, I’d like to say thanks for not even watching a 2 min YouTube video before zoning in to the end boss of an entire expansion. It’s people like you who make LFR what it is!
His health is so nerfed you’ll only get one add phase now.
Bring any Necro DK, have them pop slappy hands on adds, and collect loot.
Oh, god, I wish we had a DK in our raid. We were joking to our raid lead that he just just bring his 245 ilvl blood DK for the Gorefiend’s Grasp.
And true, there was only enough time for him to summon one group of adds.
We literally forced a member to bring his 235 alt DK for our first H kill. He had 2 jobs:
- Stay alive
- Pop slappy hands on first adds
Nothing else mattered.
I was gearing up my fresh 80 lock in LFR and we did the entirety of P3 with maybe 8 players alive. It took us a while but nobody who knew the fight wanted to have to wipe and watch everyone get MC’d and fall off/jump in holes a second time.
Noted. We’ve got a really good DK in the group.
Anytime! Glad to be of service