I think it's time that WoW appealed to the masses

And get those sub numbers up.

You know what I’m talking about.

Cat girls and bunny boys.


:clap: neko neko waifu party :clap:


“I prefer to remember the Horde as it once was…nowadays Orcs, Trolls and Tauren are far and few between”

Never any love for the Orcs anymore but I will die happily with an orcish heart no matter what goes running past me.


Why not? It could not hurt to add cat and bunny races. Are they going to be full on furry or more FFXIV like?

Give me Drakonids first.

Then I won’t give too much of a dang about race choices afterwards.

We already have the superior Dracthyr though.

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There’s always Classic to relive the glory days.

I hear that they’re in desperate need of people what with DF killing so many guilds.

Eh, the 2004 character models kind of keep me away ngl XD

I’ll gladly stay here and die looking this good!

Also I was mostly just masking a hyperbolic joke using the quote from Akama in the BT trailer :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah but more lizards can’t hurt.

one more, then I’ll have eaten my fill.

This is the absolutely the wrong direction to go, and will relegate this game to the status that Everquest is in. The only way to bring up those sub numbers is to add even more elves. In fact, Blizzard could have the void lords cast a curse over the entire Azeroth non elven population that turns them into random elves, and then they must complete a very long quest chain, as well as getting reputation up to exalted with 6 different factions in order to return to their normal race. This seems like the best thing to do, just saying.

Frankly with the amount of knife ears running around you’d think this has already happened xD




If they fix Orc dual wielding then I’ll play orc male.

at the very least i think blizz should release more silly and chill transmogs. Things like beach themed armors with hotdog weapons and water guns or other things similar.

i dont think they going to insert a new race outta nowhere but maybe some cat ear (any animal idc) mogs and tails maybe some onsies

they have such a cool holiday setup and imo could do so much more


You think this will get it done? :rofl:

Goldshire is a cesspool as it is. Do we need to make it worse?

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If it’s all kept inside of Goldshire, at least it’s easily avoidable.

Define worse :biting_lip:

Don’t you have more rocks to eat, Orc ?

Reeking of cat hair and carrots.

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