I think it's the developers that are burned out

According to the OP, it’s Blizzard’s responsibility to cater to his own desires. What do you mean maybe the expansion isn’t for him and he can solve all his issues by just not playing for a while? Don’t be a jerk you’re just trolling!


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Oh hahaha well that’s embarassing for me XD. My apologies.

Yeah Blizz could have gone in a bunch of different directions. They could have had 2 entire expansions centered around JUST Azshara and JUST Nzoth like the majority of the playerbase wanted.

But the reality is Blizz will go in their own direction and it up to us as consumers to decide if we like it or not.

You obviously are not a fan of this expac. So just skip it and wait for the next one. Many of us have done so in the past. I skipped MoP for example, even though ALOT of people loved it and look back fondly of it.

Companies catering to their customers? GASP!!! Oh the horror. I love the arrogance on display here from the audience that is currently being targeted by Blizzard. You guys act like you are the only type of player in the MMO space, I’m sure if they shifted their designs towards a more Vanilla style MMO you would be on here crying.

I really think you are missing the fact that the original player base that started playing the game that likes the way the game was has been completely abandon by the developers. Classic is great, but we won’t be getting any new content for it. You are so worried about protecting yours that you can’t have any empathy for the audience that got left in the dust in favor for chasing an entirely different audience.

Edit: There are a lot of players that feel the same way I do. I logged onto my Classic character today and the Whitemane server was packed.


You’re right, I don’t have any sympathy for you. If you don’t like the expansion then STOP. PLAYING. IT.

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If only Ion would drop the game like the subscribers do when burned out

I feel like posts like these should require an “opinion” label to preface them, just to remind people that the OP provided no factual proof or evidence to support their post other than “i say this is so and that’s my post”

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This. Expansion releases. Subs go up. Players play for a month and unsub.


every time.

I’m not , but that doesn’t mean I can’t voice my opinion here.

I think that people know it is my opinion. I mean are you that obtuse that you need that to be stated?


The post you responded to didn’t say you can’t voice your opinion.

If you want your voice heard then contact Blizzard directly. They aren’t looking at General Discussion

It used to be both. We had dailies for the players not interested in instanced endgame content, and level up, gear up, raid for the players who only wanted endgame. The problem is that they’ve decided everyone should participate in everything, so now people who just want to craft are stuck grinding instances, and people who just want to raid are playing flappy bird.


They read these forums sometimes. I sent my feedback to them as well. You don’t have to read or respond to this thread either. Move along, find some other thread to harass.

I don’t know why you have made it some kind of crusade to keep posting your same regurgitated response here?


Yea it isn’t obtuse to remind people that you’re just spouting thoughts without examples and details. If you don’t like it, work on your post more.

well I personally think X

Cool, good talk, not a lot to go on there.

Because you keep responding in a way that leads me to believe the sense hasn’t gotten through your head. The game in its current state clearly has you upset. And so the logical solution is to stop playing and take your business elsewhere until things improve, but you seem to think it’s more productive to complain to GD about your opinions, and shoot down anyone that disagrees because, according to you, they have poor taste in entertainment since they don’t agree with you.

Like I said before, if my posting here is upsetting you then you shouldn’t go around posting your opinions on a public forum.

I did post examples though. I don’t know the minds or the inner workings of the team, but I can make observations of their work. They seem like they are burned out on MMOs. Listen to the interview I linked too, Chris gives a lot of insight as to what is going on at Blizzard.


You keep posting in this thread though, move along now you made your point. Remember this a public forum, I’m allowed to voice my opinion as long as I don’t break the CoC. If you don’t like what I’m saying then STOP READING IT and responding to my posts. I won’t be responding to you anymore either so good night. :slight_smile:

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Of course they are, ive played since open beta. Im not the only one…

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And you keep responding to my posts. “Move along now you made your point.”

Yes, you absolutely have the right to voice your opinions on these forums, who is telling you you can’t? But trying to voice those opinions as fact and making backhanded comments about people who disagree makes you like rather pathetic

We’ve had that for a very long time.

Mobile gaming- we had facebook games in WoD with Garrison as the first huge step towards it, though the daily grinds and limits are very mobile fare and those have been around far longer.

Another big factor is being able to turn currency into money and back- Diablo 3 tried it with the RMT and failed, but WoW then turned the AH into an RMT using tokens and WoW players are considerably more accepting of that sort of monetization scheme.

As for other MMOs- WQs is something that came out shortly after WAR did it, small arena followed old esports, M+ speedruns followed trends, etc…

The Arthas/Uther story is a direct Anakin/Obi Wan copy paste, WC itself is just a toned down, child friendly Warhammer. When Shadowbringers received so much acclaim it was joked about that WoW was going to try to do a cinematic, linear story and head into some sort of shadowy other world, only far more poorly because it would have almost no set up.

Doesn’t seem like much of a joke now…

Anyway, back to your roguelike Torghast runs.

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How can developers from a company that puts out less content than a garage indie dev be burnt out? What are they burnt out on? Weed? Imagine thinking it’s hard to open a spreadsheet and change a single integer for class balance.


WoD was, the only problem was that it cut out early. I mean seriously man, I was playing on my Druid and I was picking up boulders from Ashran and using flight form to launch hit and run attacks on the enemy capital, and it was so tense and fun, compare that to this soulless garbage we got now. I could actaully list 500 more interesting and fun things. I mean I have on idea what is so fantastic about this expansion with stuff we will never use again.

WoD of course was not an expansion with any real stuff that lasted past it (well actually the mission table yes) but the initial experience was definitely phenomenal.

So when this expansion ends what is going to carry over in the next or the one after, compared to BC, WOTLK, etc? Nothing, almost certainly. We won’t be playing the battlegrounds from Shadowlands, because there are none, or using the new Flying mechanic or playing the Goblin race or playing the Monk class … or using Inscription…

See? Absolutely nothing from this expansion is going to impact the next or down the line. So it’s trash now and it’s trash in the future.

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