I think it's the developers that are burned out

I would be perfectly good with World of Diablo XD

They have the story down, let’s run a big super-dungeon zone to get to the Jailer XD

As a result of the mess that this game is in (and I’m being super kind by saying that) I have determined what my strategy will be for the next expansion, assuming that I’m still playing.

Adjust sub so that it expires 2-3 weeks after launch. Then take a break for a month or two so that they can the game it should have been at launch.

There is just way to much friction while playing this game.

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thats interesting, as it stands right now me my friends are talking of quitting simply because the game is so unrewarding, + 1 piece of loot between 5 people is just not accessible enough for us for the time invested… for those people that will endlessly churn out dungeons I am sure it is.

If loot was as plentiful as BFA it wouldnt be a problem.

They changed the loot tables to foster more dungeon running. Since TF and WF were removed, they needed to keep players chasing the carrot some how, so they lowered loot acquisition. I’m actually okay with less loot dropping, but this doesn’t work well with the player base that Blizzard has attracted over the last 3 expansions.

People want rewards faster now and a lot of them. They’re not interested in the slower character progression that existed in older expansions. This creates a problem for the development team, because once people acquire their best gear, they usually take a break. In order to counter this problem with modern WoW players, Blizzard started to create time gates, systems like M+ that had TFing. They are trying to stretch out play time in the limited content that they produce each expansion. It’s obvious they don’t have the resources they once had, so they need to figure out ways to keep players on that treadmill.

I personally think the slower progression that they had in prior expansions was a much better system. Dungeons had unique loot that was specific to each dungeon as well, instead of what we have today, the same loot shared pretty much across all 8 dungeons. I think with the lower loot drops this expansion and the fact that dungeon loot is kind of boring has made it a slog to gear up. I feel your pain my friend, you are used to the Diablo style gearing and they took that away basically.

This is exactly why I think the lacks vision right now. They keep changing what they want the game to be. The last 3 expansions were trying to make the game into a looter shooter and now they are trying to move back to the systems they had in the prior expansions, only they really don’t mimic the older style dungeons and loot acquisition that was fun. The game is an abomination.

How could that possibly be?

The leveling is fast, but the story and the zones were so awful that it was a slog.


Did you blackout during Maldraxxus?

To be fair, a majority of what you see on these forums are negative experiences, because those who are enjoying the game, are playing the game, not wasting their time trying to convince people of it on the forums.

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Which is fine if you have time to do it… if you are casual and cannot chain 10+ dungeons a week it feels very unrewarding. My friends and I are all mid to late thirties, the game feels extremely unrewarding and we are all likely to quit in a month or so.

It is what it is wow has highest numbers its had in ages I am sure it will be fine, just thought it was interesting that people say there was too much loot before. Unrewarding, grindy content does not really mean more content to us, we just get less mileage out of the content and generally stop playing.

I have been playing this game since very early on, the slow progression was an illusion, go look at classic wow its a joke. The modern player is far more advanced and community more aligned and collaborative. We learn from each other and progress much much faster as a group.

I want to be rewarded for the content/gameplay I am engaged in, the less frequent the rewards the more I want to be able to determine those rewards… if I could be assured that 1 in every 3-4 dungeons I am guaranteed to get a drop (like titan residuum from M+ chests that can then buy a token for any slot) that would be fine, as it stands never getting an upgrade from an M+ dungeon is statistically likely and only getting one RNG GV drop a week is NOT a rewarding experience.

Right now it is likely I could run a 10 M+ without seeing a single drop… if I am in the same group for those 10 runs week in week out, the likelihood of an upgrade increases as loot is shared and distributed… if I pug/gap fill groups its less likely.

MMOs don’t sound like they are for you then. The game was always like this except for Legion and BFA, before they turned the game into Diablo.

Yet, you will play the same 10 dungeons via M+ for 2 plus years and grind the same rewards with just increasing numbers. If you are playing MMOs for constant rewards then you are missing out on the best parts of what makes a MMO fun. Sounds like you have a group a friends that play, isn’t enjoying their company the real reward.

Modern MMO players, especially WoW players have become way too focused on the rewards. I guess you are a product of being raised in a world that makes instant gratification in all aspects of life a thing. Sorry if that is offensive, but I deal with people in your age bracket all the time and they tend to impatient and are always looking for that dopamine hit. I’m know I am generalizing here, I don’t really know you, but based on what you are writing, it sounds like you fit in this camp.

This is false actually. Loot acquisition in Vanilla was slow as well as it was in TBC. You can’t compare Classic to Vanilla either, people have been playing Vanilla WoW on private servers for over a decade. They mapped out the BIS and the most optimal way to get gear years ago.

Again, I think you are being kind of hyperbolic here. I mean the expansion just launched and you are expecting to be fully geared up in a few weeks? You don’t even need that high of a ilevel to start raiding. Just be patient my friend, the gear will come. Enjoy the time you are spending with your friends. This is what MMOs are all about, loot comes and goes and gets replaced all the time, good friendships last forever.

Honestly - and it pains me to say this, this might be my last WOW expansion. This one broke me. We told them we hated the rat race, daily chores, the treadmills. They didn’t listen. Everything in this game is time-gated now. Literally everything. The covenants, the Maw, Torghast. It’s all just so horrific. I think I’m just done at this point.

EDIT: Oh and the story is derpy as hell too.


I think they are running out of ideas mate, or it is just a lack of creativity. I don’t know why more people aren’t complaining about all these chores and time gates. I thing the story was pretty derp too.


Oh yea, the time gating of every single one of the billion systems killed me as well. Not even a whole month of play and I’m already out. New record. I just dont care anymore.

Everything is a daily chore now.


Actually I’m hoping that someone from Blizz will read this and think that those who post are only a small percentage of the player base and that there is something to be done.

Its pretty sad that OPs opinion hurt you so bad you feel it needs a disclaimer.

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I keep asking myself the same question. Maybe there is something to the OP’s complaints. My problem with current game has nothing to do with balance, just too many mechanics (which attempt to sort out sub-par players) but when its said and done, its painful just watching the YouTube videos for these fights. My head hurts from trying to remember 5-7 different mechanics for each boss.

Personally I find firsthand experience way more valuable than a guide. I tried listening to fatboss the other night because we were planning to give Nathria a go, but even the first boss had me scratching my head and replaying a few times to understand a mechanic

Then comes the actual raid and it only takes one wipe for everything to click, and then I find myself at the top of damage dealt and the bottom of damage taken

Really I think it comes down to the director and higher ups. Art and environment is top notch…but I’m literally in heaven or hell with npc’s telling me to go kill X …maybe it’s all hell because we’ve been doing same quest mechanic for 16 years.

If I were a burnt out dev I don’t think I would make Shadowlands with all of its intricate systems and features, I would make Cataclysm where there’s exactly nothing for the playerbase to do besides raid and pvp lol

No you would take those systems and water them down in power and excitement till they were such bland meaningless systems as to be just barely above irrelevant so that you could balance them… yet still some how fail at balancing them?