I think I regret buying skyrim

I bought the skyrim special edition on xbox, its not as good as I remember it

wife loves that game, but only with mods


I still love it, but it’s one of those games that - due to both age and how they did the art - really benefits from mods.

Some of the fan-made graphical mods for that game make it look good.

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i don’t play it at all (and thus know nothing about it) but sometimes i go over to her screen and she shows me all sorts of stuff on there; looks pretty cool.

There’s your problem:

What is Skyrim without 400 mods that you have to put in a specific load order through trial and error to get the game to launch?

Think most people at this point fully mod it out lol also I never really noticed it when I was younger but most the npcs have the same voice too, threw me off when i tried playing again

At least you can mod the Skyrim Special Edition on the Xbox 1. Pretty limited, but still neat. :slight_smile:

Now all we need is a mod that makes Skyrim Special edition run on 60fps on the Xbox 1. :thinking:

I still recommend getting Oldrim on PC if you can.

I would love to see you post more than one of two sentences for once.

I was about to ‘walk away’ and then I thought I would rather say something. I hope that he is your friend and this is some lighthearted teasing, because for the life of me, I don’t understand why someone would say something like this to a stranger on the internet.

Sorry. I’m just bitter sometimes. :frowning:

Its probably for my antics in General Discussion

I only ever messed with a few mods and it came down to realism part. Darker nights, timescale set to my actual time (much like WoW) and similar things.

Only issue with that is of course the AI archer can see you, but you cannot see him.

Oh, and the mod that made dragons much harder to kill. It made no sense, outside of quests, that if you found a dragon mound or one flying around it should be one shotted.

Lol at someone posting as You calling out others for not being nice. Don’t know much about your namesake and what he’s spent his time saying/doing on these boards, do you?

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I think that’s the joke

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I doubt this new You has a real idea of the :poop: head they’ve associated themself with and the baggage that comes along with it

I wonder what happened to him?

Haven’t seen him in ages.

Griefs, my Night Elf friend :wink: - I probably should have used this one! It was a close call, but I thought it might be too subtle. I hope this means that you are no longer ignoring me (small ‘m’ me, You, not capital ‘M’, Me!).

Yeah, well blame it on Covid and ‘housatosis’ … I am fortunate to be working, but some of us are going a bit stir crazy working remotely. My son and I have had many good laughs, not just recently, but seeing your interactions with he who shall not be named over the years.

As I said before - that was You the Grey, this is You the White - You as he should have been. :slightly_smiling_face:

I assumed he got banned/suspended or grounded at home. :woman_shrugging:

The funny thing is that ‘You’ now has more posts (by an order of magnitude) than my ‘main’ account. I’ve been a long time lurker and used to come here often for entertainment as well as information.

[quote=“Griefs-emerald-dream, post:14, topic:622033, full:true”]

I’m lost is this still about me?

I regret buying it five times.