I think I found a little bit of happy

Bal’a dash, malanore,

I just wanted to share… I think I found a little bit of happy again recently in WoW playing classic. I definitely missed out on the launch of tbc, but the people I have met so far actually speak and we group up and communicate. I was missing that in retail.

I don’t really know anyone on classic yet but it’s great to see an active community and people even still running lowbie dungeons this far into the expansion.

Anyway, positive thoughts tonight as I come out of the ghost lands. It’s been great so far.

Hope to find a guild on Faerlina if anyone is recruiting :slight_smile: just a filthy hardcore casual. I give good hugs.

Take care all!


That’s great that you are having a good time. Thanks for sharing a positive outlook and all the best on finding that guild.

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I really do wish your outlook was more common among today’s classic population. I also enjoy meeting people from different places/backgrounds while leveling, randomly grouping for group quests, etc. etc. from back in the days. You know, enjoying the entire community.

I wish I could say I enjoyed it like that again in classic, but it’s never felt the same. The mindset/meta changed so much since original TBC, and the vast majority is so focused on rushing to endgame and merely grinding the content. I guess it was inevitable since the WoW population ain’t the same volume; the lack in diversity of people/personailities/etc etc. is so apparent when comparing the current thousands in classic vs 12+ million from back in the original days.

If you PUG hosted raids back in original, you could enjoy playing + chatting with the people you meet (about anything and everything) and have a good time even if it wasn’t a 1-2 hour Kara run–and mind you this is back during Ventrilo days. Now, I’m lucky if I host a weekly Kara and get that similar vibe once a month (sometimes longer) in classic.

Now I’m venting… Anyways, keep up the positive vibes and hope you continue to enjoy!

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I too am having a blast. I started playing classic in like October of 2019, so I was a little bit late, though not by much (about a month).

But I have a renewed joy lately in tbc. This Paladin was not my first 70, in fact it’s my 4th. With that being said I’m absolutely having a blast and wish I’d done it from the beginning. As a horde it’s a fresh, brand new experience for me and the game feels fresh and new. Not to mention as a tank I’m meeting lots of in-game friends that are always using me to run dungeons, but it’s been really fun.

I hope you continue to have a blast!

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That’s exactly what I am into.

Do you like eRP?

Hey Norevi!

Thanks for sharing your experience so far. It’s nice to see someone having fun :slight_smile:

Feel free to check out our Dungeon Leveling community, if that’s something you enjoy. We are quite active, and plan to continually support Dungeon Leveling as our primary focus, though we also have several level 70s and are even working on some raid groups.

Anyway, have fun leveling up and hope to see you in some of the dungeons!

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I will hit you up in game. Would love to do some dungeon runs.

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I’m just happy to see SOMEONE happy in this game for once.
Glory to the Sin’dorei, sister!

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