I tested 11.0.5 Elemental on PTR and

I tried to make a PvP Farseer build. Farseer is overall more preferable for Arenas as it’s less hardcasting Lightning spells than Stormbringer. Overall it wasn’t that bad. Not as good as current but I think I can take it.

I see only 1 big issue now. Errupting Lava consuming Flame Shock. Farseer Lava Bursts also do it. I don’t know if it’s desired but since they cast Lava Burst even when you press Lightning Bolt then your Flame Shock is consumed before you finish bursting. If you want to combine Ascendance with Stormkeeper and Primordial it even consumes the long one on Ascendance. Either Ancestors Lava Bursts have not to spend your Flame Shock duration or it’s extremely annoying.