I take it back. Don't pull the ripcord

That defeats the purpose of meaningful choice though, when you make all abilities able to be cherry picked at your leisure, choice does not matter, because you can always switch it up.

That’s fine just dont think at how bad the game is and will forever be kekw.

It’s been demonstrated time and time again that Blizzard doesn’t listen or care about the players, so your complaints are basically screaming into a black void.

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Well I do happen to be on the Beta, and I’ve tested a lot of the stuff that hundreds of other CE-level players have tested.

Let’s talk about Serrated Bone Spike (Necrolord - Rogues) being worth about 10% of all specs’ single-target damage and drastically scaling up in 3-target cleave.

Let’s talk about Death’s Due (Night Fae) being by far the best ability for all DKs in all situations barring the heaviest of AoE with Breath of Sindragosa Frost, in which case the Venthyr ability barely beats it out.

Let’s talk about Decimating Bolt (Necrolord - Warlocks) being significantly ahead of the other Covenants for single-target for both Affliction and Destruction and pretty damn strong in AoE for Destruction as well. This ability gives Affliction without a shadow of a doubt the best sub-20% Execute damage in the entire game by a very large margin.

Or Convoke the Spirits being so overwhelmingly far ahead of everything else for Balance Druids that it got a 25% nerf and is still unparalleled.

Sounds like you want an absolutely perfect game, never heard of one sadly
We’ve always had balance issues, in every game there’s always a better option.

What is permanent in wow? you can swap talents, covenants, you can reroll, it’s not like you have to pick one character and stick to it… I don’t understand your point lol
It’s not like " Oh I picked Necrolord and it got nerfed, I guess I have to buy a new account "

also, no one is saying this doesn’t " impact " people, or anyone, it’s gonna impact me too, as someone pointed out " the casul " and then complained about me making assumptions, that’s the whole point, meaningful choices should have an impact, balance issues aside, we’ve always had those and yes Blizzard could do better

Oh, if only we could all give up as easily as you. Blizzard listens to some feedback and all we can hope for is that this is one of those times.

You know if you have to hope that Blizzard will hear you then that’s a whole box of bombs ready to blow on itself.

I’d rather it be about aesthetics, cosmetics and, most importantly, lore. Not about which one I feel will make my gameplay for all kinds of content (or the one that I’m going to be focusing on since we can’t switch abilities freely) better.

Having to choose the covenant based on what abilities it provides me is going to kill my sense of immersion.

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I remember when Shadowlands content was starting to get revealed to us and Preach warned us that the systems they’re going with now will remove player choice, everyone turned on him since he’s one of the elitists and doesn’t speak for the whole community.

Lo and behold fast forward to today more streamers and youtubers came to a consensus INCLUDING Preach, and now everyone is on board with opening up the covenants.

This is testament to how inconsistent at what the community really wants, and how two faced it is.

Who is everyone? Some of us have known these systems were trash right when they started talking about them lol.


It was quite literally the first thing I thought when they revealed it at Blizzcon last year. It doesn’t take a genius to see the flaws right away.

I don’t think it comes from such a bad place. I think most people just choose to be optimistic and excited about the new details at first, but then as more info started coming out and more people started beta testing, everybody realized just how unbalanced the abilities are. And after seeing the abilities and how different they are from one another, it is becoming increasingly clear that balancing them is going to be damn near impossible.

Counter point:

24 days into Shadowlands
Forum Poster 52: I can’t get into any groups because of my covenant

Blizzard see them more like mini sub classes based on the ion interviews.

To which I would say, change your covenant. You are not forced to stay in the same one, 1 week quest to get back into the previous one isn’t that bad in perspective, it’s likely timegated which is the bad part, 7 dailies over the week.

Or start your own group

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Put the covenant abilities on talent trees. If you pick another covenant ability make it where you don’t get renowned for them until you switch back, something along those lines.

Not sure where you are getting the week thing. Nothing on the beta is related to a week long anything except for changing around conduits.

Or just let players freely swap? Would be a much better solution.

Yeah except when maybe someone is in a guild and they need them to change to a healer, but he/she can’t, because of the timegate.

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Bingo i always start my own groups people are funny here.

How much in percentage do covenant abilities actually contribute to player power?

Depends on the class and spec.