I take it back. Don't pull the ripcord

Have stats and number to prove that or that is your feely-craft?

Racial abilities are 1% max covenants currently have a 20% delta and in some cases more. In summation thought about still need that ripcord pulled yesterday



Yes we literally do what do you think people have been testing without logs? The night fae covenant is so overwhelming strong for dk that currently venth is being recommended because we expect them to giga nerf night fae.

No, they aren’t. Most of them won’t be added to a rotation because they don’t work well with the classes/specs gameplay. Rogues, for example, only have one that gives them combo points at the moment. That’s really the only viable choice they have. It’s like the abilities are being designed by people who don’t have any experience with the classes. The other abilities would be a waste of a GCD. Covenants shouldn’t affect gameplay at all.

So the issue is one of first impressions. The same thing happened with Legion. People got a really bad first impression, unsubbed, and then waited for the next expac… lather, rinse, repeat. First impressions are a killer, because you don’t often get a second one. So rather than make the system overly restrictive now when we’re well aware of the flaw… fix it and give a lore reason it’s fine while they can. That way people don’t NOPE.jpg away when they get frustrated but how dumb this is.

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Look, I know 10% difference doesn’t matter if you don’t raid much, or just do normal… but if you’re trying to do progression content like mythic raiding or high keys, that 10% difference is incredibly meaningful. And like it or not, it’s not just “the 1%” that do those things. There are a ton of people who participate in that high end content. It’s a large part of the game. I don’t know why we should kneecap people who are engaging in that content just so that more casual players feel like their choice is “meaningful”.

Like, the covenants come with transmogs, mounts, and a signature ability. They influence the NPCs you’ll be interacting with, and the world quests you’ll be doing. It’s already a meaningful choice.


LOL @ people keep trying to compare factions, races, and classes with covenants.


I don’t want them to “pull the ripcord” Just on principle. Too many things in this game are treated as disposable and things you swap at a whim based on whatever guide tells you is the best to use. There’s no real investment, decision, or consequence anymore where people think maybe I want to do X so I can’t be as good at Y, or i pick Z which is good for everything I want to do but not as good as the specialized options.

The game needs more of that, not less.

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A Nigh Fae destruction warlock against a Necrolord destruction warlock.

I can hit a low health enemy with my Decimating Bolt boosting my Incinerate damage by 350-400% + another 30% from Roaring Blaze and boom, 20k Incinerate crits. Now factor in Havoc that makes it hit a second target for 60% of the damage and Fire and Brimstone that also hits everything around the target for 40% of the damage.

Do you think a Nigh Fae warlock will even come close to me by having his Soul Rot on 4 targets and tickling them with Drain Life? Or a Kyrian just having one extra dot on one target?

The Necrolord will decimate (see what I did there?) the other covenants on single target and absolutely shred them on AoE.

That’s the MO, wait until it’s too late, make the change and say “HEY we listened!!”

How about no.


Not as a good is putting it mildly.

wasn’t it like a very small % who do mythic raiding?

I’ve got good news for you
you can swap covenants :slight_smile:
much easier than rerolling to fotm class and gearing it up with BIS stats and paying for a race change too
idk why you feel like saying " only casuals care about meaningful choices " a lot of people do, and this is an RPG, after all, or at least trying to be one
so yes, choices should matter, why should we knee cap the bigger player base in the casuals, so a few people can do extra dps/ have extra utility?

Doesn’t matter, the point remains. That’s a choice to make. Maybe the third option is “generic” but works for everything you want to do as opposed to wanting X for one and Y for another, and that’s a choice you make since you hopefully won’t be able to switch on a whim.

This is a borrowed power system that will be trashed in the next expansion. It SHOULD be treated as the disposable system is truly is.

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To be fair, a lot of these things are treated as disposable because they are disposable. These abilities aren’t a permanent choice. It’s more borrowed power that will go away after Shadowlands, and it’s something that is inevitably going to be unlocked in a later patch when Blizzard is unable to balance the abilities.


Exactly my case as well. Welcome to the club.

and another post to mute there’s enough of this one and the other one too

but not before eating some :popcorn: first

Personally I don’t think you are muting anything and just like to come into the threads and say that you are.

Must be lonely.

Funny thing. Covenants were advertised as a “meaningful choice”, but swapping them makes them meaningless. If they really want to fix it and make it feel fun they need to detach gameplay from covenants. The meaningfulness of covenants should be in the story, rp, and aesthetic. They have been raised as a “return to rpg” for WoW, so that shouldn’t be an issue. The gameplay should be independent of covenant choice, because if covenant choice is supposed to be about the rpg aspect, then I shouldn’t have to pick a covenant I hate the rp of just to have gameplay I enjoy.

Yet you come in here to get your +1 to your post count? Why even bother posting unless you want some attention. Am I giving you enough? Would you like another reply?