Yes we can, they are so mechanically different that it’s blatantly obvious that some don’t make sense. This isn’t a numbers tuning issue. It’s a mechanics issue. Hiding behind the numbers argument when the issues are mechanical doesn’t make sense.
When exactly is it “the right time” to criticize an upcoming expansion’s main feature? At launch? In patch 9.3? In the pre-patch for the next expansion?
We’re giving feedback on what we’re seeing right now and what they’ve told us time and time again on what they intend to do with the system. By the time the expansion launches it’ll be too late and we’ll have to wait several patches until they finally decide to “listen to our feedback”.
This system the way it is removes alot of power from the player. Blizzard can play with these class abilities and enhance and nerf them at will. You could start with the right choice and end up with the worst choice. It’s a road bump system designed to force people to re-roll covenants and waste as much time as possible.
Most people see this. They don’t want to have to re-roll, they want to play the game. Please Blizzard pull this rip cord and allow players to adjust themselves without the ties to design they may personally love.
Then perhaps it would behoove Blizzard to further restrict beta access and require participants to sign NDAs for future expansions.
I doubt that would happen. But remember that these forums are an echo chamber and don’t necessarily reflect the zeitgeist of the playerbase at large. Most of them are probably only tangentially aware of the malcontent here, and few care.
Personally, I’m good with them going live as is. The things are so full of noob traps that the chaos on the forums after about a month is going to be epic lol.
Now it’s… Really not tho…
Yes… and remove all excitement for an expansion before it even launches. Great idea…
Actually they aren’t, they are a reaction chamber where various sections of the playerbase violently (through text) react.
Who knows, I want shadowlands to succeed, but the devs seem bound and determined to cause it to be less of a success than it could be with silly design decisions.
What do you mean the problem is mechanical and not a numbers issue?
I have a hunch Blizzard is perfectly aware that Covenants aren’t and won’t be balanced, and are counting on that. They’re expecting all the min-maxers are going to choose the one that Wowhead tells them to, all the divas are going to choose the ones with the best looks, all the furries are gonna choose the ones with the story most aligned with their interests.
And they’re not going to do anything about 80% of the playerbase picking a specific covenant, because they designed for it. Just look at a couple of videos on beta. It’s painfully obvious that they had specific permutations in mind already with this.
Frankly I would take this as is if they could actually do what they sold to us and balance this within 5% of each other. But they haven’t been able to do so, and will likely never be able to do so. Not so long as they keep the mentality that one skill always has to be on top rather then letting the top naturally sort itself out.
This needs a #pulltheripcord.
OP plays a hunter, don’t they only have 2 abilities?
I have beta and I’ve played it enough to see that the differences are going vast unless the abilities get revamped. I honestly didn’t even need to test it to know which one would outperform all the others. I just did that out of curiostity and i can tell you that Soul Rot is a joke compared to Decimating Bolt.
When I see a truck next to a golf kart, I don’t need to weigh them to tell which one his heavier.
For some classes, the abilities aren’t that far off in terms of damage. The problem is the fact the way the abilities behave mechanically pushes one or two above the others by leaps and bounds.
Rogue and Bonespike come to mind. Why would a Rogue give up a RANGED combo builder that also does great damage, puts up a dot, and has a low energy cost? I mean it’s a no brainer lol. Oh, and it flurries if you are Outlaw.
Okay, if the covenants are numerically the same, but provide different QoL, then it shouldn’t matter what covenant you choose to push content at the casual and semi casual level.
Who said anything about QoL?
Iunno,forgot the word for the mechanical difference of that ranged attack other choices
Let’s take DH:
Venthyr does a single target DOT that puts out ok numbers, and slows incoming damage with a 1m cooldown and then allows the DH to spread that to all surrounding enemies on meta.
Bastion allows them to place a sigil on the ground that numbers wise overshadows all the other covenants. Only one major issue: movement is part of every fight now and the likelihood of staying in that sigil is low unless the DH is the tank. If they are the tank then the Venthyr ability still makes more sense because it allows them to slow damage incoming.
That’s not even looking into necrolords (even harder to use) or Night fae (PvP gods will use this in arenas but it’s relatively useless in PvE).
The point being that the highest simming choice: Bastion… is actually very hard to use mechanically. The mid range choice Venthyr actually ends up on top because it’s the easiest to actually use correctly and get throughput from. So it’s not about numbers, it’s about the mechanics of how you use them and how they fit into the rotation.
Warlock has a similar issue with decimating bolt from necrolords, mechanically it’s just so much better that it overshadows other options that might do fine numbers wise.
They nerfed racials for a reason.
Ok, not what’s being discussed here. It’s pretty clear you have no idea what you are even talking about to even have a podium in which to try and preach from.
I would like you to address what I actually said and not nitpick one word that I dont even know if there’s a term for to describe what you said. Other than that, sit down and shaddap