I Support More Tendies Bundle

I recommend using a more realistic example, one that would generally pass scrutiny by millions across the world.

Coming soon:

Bobby’s Yacht mount 900 tender bundle.


I would definitely buy this :rofl:

I would love to see a mount like the FF14 Lunar Whale. That’s my favorite mount in FF14 and it’d just be great to see it here too!

To quote the Monarch from Venture Bro.'s, “You’re missing a couple of zeroes there, Oprah.”


Anyone who uses the term “tendies” should automatically drop 10 levels for every time they use the term


Only if you’re referring to chicken.

I don’t object to the Tendies bundling. I would buy a Tendies bundle if they came with something worthwhile.

This new outfit is just not for me. I am not a fan of purple.

Maybe if they ever release a Bard Class, and I want to RP as Prince… that is the only time I might go with purple.

Now you know it’s a Sunday Troll post. This set is so not cool.

It definitely is though. Any transmog set that can be worn cross-armor type is amazing IMO.

I support calling them absolutely anything else.

I like that using “tendies” triggers people. That’s why I started using it more often.

Not sure why it bothers people but it sure is funny that it does.

I absolutely support calling them Tendies just to laugh at the people upset by such a thing.

It sounds like a brand of feminine pad.

I don’t see the relationship, but…ok.