im finally 80 and honor geared, been busy took me forever.
my btag is rxluvv#1904
I was here before Kennie
hi Kennie
yah kennie be a man of your word
Not much brainpower required to play warrior anyways.
Aye swole was hardstuck 2k on his last expansion
Couldn’t find a ret?
im playing ele ^^
Or hunter for that matter.
true and real, only lock in a small map on a melee lobby takes actual skill.
nah, only enh and sub rogues.
No melee takes skill really. Is rogue your carry toon, the one u use to carry people? I trully believe when lock is not overturned, is the hardest class to play at full potential.
My enh was. I don’t play rogue. It is widely accepted as the most difficult spec to master tho. There are times where it’s gigga broken and anyone can play it, but it easily has the highest skill ceiling. Casters don’t have a high skill cap, they’re actually prob one of the easiest things to play in the current iteration of the game for the past few years.
Enhance always been a “just press W” spec except in pve back in wrath, the rotation was very complex, or in cata with that int axe and casting lb. What makes it hard? Don’t say mobility plz.
Why are you comparing enh to something from several xpacs ago. The reason why is because you need to know how to live, you have to kick cast, you have to do damage, you have to de curse and use totems and you need to do it all at the same time. The storm bringer build is much easier tho, even then, you have to know how to live.
Idk, i feel like the highest skill cap classes by far are arcane mage and outlaw rogue.
Arcane mage has the same problem as enh does, which is living while doing a complex damage rotation and properly using utility.
Pretty standard across the board lol.
Pretty standard to all shaman specs. Rsham u need to do all that plus dodge cc and heal ypur team. So u saying rsham is the epitome of skill? I agree
It’s not. Go play enh shaman and then report back.
It’s one of the harder healers to play, but healing in general is pretty easy if you know how to position.
Let me fill you in a little secret. Enh is like A+ tier right now, but no one has fotm rerolled it because it’s not easy to get used to.
No one rerolls unless is S tier. There was plenty of enh in SL when they were globalling with chain harvest.