I still don't understand why any of these glyph/pve/spec changes were made at all

I don’t play any of the specs that have had glyphs tweaked to buff their DPS or any changes really. I just have a question I never seem to have found the answer to:

Why were/are these CHANGES ever made to begin? I thought the re-releases of vanilla, tbc, and wrath were meant to be as close to the original experience as possible, with exceptions for technical workarounds since it’s built on the retail client or whatever.

Everyone knows and is fully aware of what to expect when these classic releases dropped, why are we making changes at all like this?

Same with H++ and whatever, this stuff wasn’t in original wrath at all. Why are we adding it? Everyone should be fully well aware of how gear was acquired back then.

This truly makes no sense to me. Seems for classic and tbc classic they did very few, if any changes, rightfully so. But then wrath comes along and it’s almost an entirely different game with these H++, added currencies for buying ulduar gear, glyph changes, etc.


They said nochanges was going bye bye when they ANNOUNCED Wrath. It’s been known for like a year and a half.

  1. Ret buff was because the patch balance was not meant for Uld, and it was so bad ret was being dumped.
  2. Druid one was meant to fix a really amazingly stupid rotation and mechanic so it was playable by people with either an IQ under 150 or coated in less sweat than a UFC fighter.

The ret buff, during Uld, put them still at the back of the bus, but at least they were on it again. The druid buff they knew was way more than intended, but backlash to correcting it was so bad BOTH TIMES they tried it in the past they didn’t go through with the un-buff. They have since apparently decided to go ahead and hit them with the bat.

But as for #nochanges? Yeah. Long since dead. Dead, buried, and already half decomposed.

So does this community want classic plus, or do they just want nostalgia bait? New things placed on the old game to me is much better than just simply reliving something I’ve already done. To me at least.

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yeah it never made any sense to me. I have found classic players to flip flop immensely (for example, saying Cata was a good expac despite everyone saying it was trash)

Because one of the devs played ret pally and buffed his own class.

Nostalgia bait please, classic + will blow since the new dev’s are terrible.

And that’s why it’s failing hard. All we wanted was a mostly authentic wrath.


Can you say something positive?

I still don’t understand why threads like this are made, but here we are.


you mean the same guy who originally said no to buffing paladin? the guy who wrote and entire wall of text saying why they weren’t buffing ret?
Its an easy thing to fallback on but its disingenuous entirely. He said no originally, that breaks this entire narrative. If this narrative were true it would have just happened without him posting saying it wouldn’t.

Because not all 2010 game designs live up to 2023 standards.
Additionally, players were far worse in 2010 than they are today. Without Gary nerfs, for example, DKs would be double the DPS right now of any other S-tier spec in the game.

You can’t have 1 spec do 20k, meanwhile 2nd best one is at 13k.

And they were #NoChanges and it miserably failed. A week after launch, 100’s of threads started appearing asking for threads. People thought it was all nice and pretty, but once the reality of how broken some aspects of the game has hit them, it hit them hard.

And this is PERCIRSLY why changes are being made.

  • We all KNEW that Wintergrasp would NEVER happen without changes
  • We all KNEW that dungeons in Wrath would be dead within 2 weeks of launch.
  • We all KNEW that PvP would suffer and that without PvP changes it wouldn’t survive
  • we all KNEW that to even compete as a Feral Druid you need to bearweave and thus have 15 button rotation.

and the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

I’m sorry you feel that way. But doesn’t make you right.


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but this isn’t a 2023 game. it’s a relaunch of a previous expansion. if you don’t like that garg was discovered to be broken and would do double the damage without any changes, why play it to begin with? Or how about, play said spec, or join a guild that does not care?

This entire release of the classic versions should’ve always been as-is, if people wanted changes they should’ve asked for classic+…? So do classic players want Classic+ or do they want the original vanilla/tbc/wotlk experience?

Doesn’t matter.
We live in 2023.

And the game is 97% the same as it was outside of few changes.

The content is all there. Yall are literally being all dramatic AF being 30-45 y/o bunch of cry babies that some spec got buffed by 5-10%

Grow up. Stop crying.


The first 5/5 had 9 unholy DK, with that puny nerf DK are still being stacked everywhere.


cuz rets cried on forums (seal of blood before TBC classic release)

people didnt really want classic warts and all. they just wanted raids that were easier than retail’s raids.

Yep, I like the glyph system.

Perfect? No. Better than retails though by far. Its been fun and or useful. S. priest is not loaded to the gills so much. But even the levitate minor has found a place in my heart.

I don’t need ingredients anymore. Cool, means I can carry more candles to group cast fortitude.

I pack lots of candles for that as I spam this a lot in bg.

In the case of feral Druids, it was obviously to annoy the people who enjoyed playing the spec, and also to troll other people into rerolling and gearing to get ready for ICC, only to pull the rug out from other them.

Nochanges hasnt been a thing for quite some time. They kicked that concept out when TBC Classic launched.

No changes doesnt’ really work when you don’t release the patches the way they were. Starting on the final phase patch during ulduar hard nerfed armor pen classes. It’s why feral which was dominant in origin wrath was a small step from meme until it got the buff.

and no one stacks Rets lol

Because practice showed it was not a viable option in 2019-2020.

Very very very veeeeery few people understand that.

On top of that, an avg player in 2010 would be considered an absolute :dog2: :poop: by today’s standards.

And then buffed it anyway? I’m sorry did you have a real argument?