I spent an hour fighting over the Tanaris Chicken escort quest yesterday - Nightslayer PVP

I spent an hour fighting over the Tanaris Chicken escort quest yesterday.
It started off with a group of us meeting up at the chicken. (Me 44 Rogue, 45 Warrior, and a 45 Hunter).

There were two alliance there(50 Lock and 45 Priest).
We murdered them. Then we killed a 50 mage who showed up.

Couple more hordies showed up and joined our party bringing the total to five.
The Chicken respawns and we start the quest.

Alliance that we wiped shows up behind up with a couple extras and wipes us.
They head back to the chicken spawn and start the quest.

We wipe them and we go back and start the chicken quest.
They wipe us.

This goes back and forth 2-3 more times.

If this sounds like a “waste of time” to you, you should be on a PVE server.


Lmao that is pretty funny.

Nobody here but us chickens.

To me this sounds like a pretty exciting and fun session you had.

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Interactions like that are the best part of being on a pvp server.

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yay 1 server per type

All of my play sessions are like this.
It’s a PVP server and I PVP as much as I can.

When i was doing the Helcular rod quest in Hillsbrad I got it on my 2nd yeti kill and then spent 3 hours killing the Alliance out of the cave so my Horde frens could also get it.

Did the same thing in the badlands for the first rock shard quest.
Killed the Alliance off of the Rock Elementals so the Horde could do the quest with the help of my fellow Hordies, with some inspiring words of course.

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When i did the 1st part of the rock shard quest I pvpd any alliance i saw. Its already overcrowded with just horde, i’m not gonna let the alliance make it even harder when i can just murder them. One made a level 1 horde to whisper me telling me i was wasting everyones time and even the horde were laughing at me (?) bla bla bla. As he was typing this i saw his alliance character in the distance getting ganked by a rogue. He then left haha

A couple of quests are on my never do list. The Tanaris chicken and Turtle escourts are two of them…

That’s the exact same scenario I had.
It took an hour and a half for those shards with just horde there because the drop rate is spider ichor level( iykyk ).

I only did it because the quest chain leads to the Nifty Stopwatch.