Because I noticed that when I go afk for a few minutes in almost any area when I come back my fans are spinning more intensively than if I keep moving across the map, completing objectives and what not. A fix around for this is to go into small caves, like the one next to the portal to Oribos in ZM.
Not really unless you’re idling for several hours it wont impact you at all <3
There are a few things that you might want to look at.
In the advanced video settings, there are two options related to your FPS, “Cap Foreground FPS” and “Cap Background FPS”. These could both be helpful to you, in different ways.
When it comes to the “Cap Foreground FPS” option (Foreground meaning while you are playing the game and nothing is in-front of it on the screen), it’s possible that your Foreground FPS is already “capped” if you are using something like GSync, Freesync, or traditional VSync. But if not, then your FPS might be uncapped, which would mean you are running your GPU much harder than you need to. If you have a 60Hz monitor for example, then there is no point to rendering the game at more than 60 FPS. Your GPU might be rendering 200 fps when only 60 is needed. Capping your FPS at the refresh rate of your monitor could reduce your GPU load significantly (but you should check into Freesync or GSync first).
The “Cap Background FPS” option comes in handy because you can set it to something MUCH lower. I have my Background FPS capped to 24fps. All you have to do is hit the windows key on your keyboard to bring up the start menu, and the game will be in the “background” at that point, restricted to the much lower FPS. You could do this any time you walked away from the computer, and it would make it completely unnecessary to go and hide in a cave or anything like that.
In addition to all that, you could try simply reducing your view distance. That has a huge impact on GPU usage since a higher view distance literally means more stuff for the GPU to render at any given time, particularly when outside. Most people really don’t need to play at max view distance as they are rarely looking at things very far in the distance.
Thank you both for your answers. I looked into my settings and made the modifications. I have VSync on so maybe I could uncheck that and lower my foreground fps a little, but it’s only a 60Hz monitor so it shouldn’t make a huge difference. The background fps was already set to 30fps, and I also lowered the view distance from 6 to 4, I think that will help more.