I Should Have Used My Stones More

On the 15th, my account will be terminated.

WoW isn’t fun for me any more and Pet Battles were about the only thing I enjoyed. Everything I did was about getting more pets, but WoW isn’t the game it was when I first started.

In the original, you could advance any way you wanted. You could just go out and kill stuff, you could quest, you could do dungeons, BGs, and raids. Take your pick.

Today’s WoW, questing is now compulsory, and it simply takes too long for them to finally release flying. I prefer the old days when you could just buy it. I think the Mission Tables are stupid. Yeah, you can get some cool stuff, but you should be questing for them, not playing Facebook games. And on-the-ground navigation is intentionally made difficult and tedious.

Anyhow, I consolidated all my stones and charms onto one toon. The results are edifying.

I still have one Ultimate Battle Training Stone, 56 Marked Flawless Battle Stones, one Aquatic Flawless Battle Stone and one Elemental Flawless Battle Stone.

Now, here’s where the results get really interesting.

These are the XP stones I’ve collected, and never used. I did use some of them, but obviously, not nearly enough.

120 Flawless Battle Training Stones.
34 Aquatic
88 Undead
30 Magic
112 Flying
12 Elemental
92 Dragon
130 Critter
27 Mechanical
20 Humanoid
38 Beast
19 Fel-Touched.

It would be interesting to figure out all the pets I could level up, but disinclined.

And 8,878 Polished Pet Charms. In a few more weeks, I’d be able to buy that 10K pet.

I’m sure I have some Shiny Charms kicking around, but I don’t pay much attention to them. And I don’t even want to think about how many bandages I have.

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They announced yesterday that 9.2 will release on 2/22 and there are a bunch of pets to be acquired there.

I do understand how the rush of collecting pets can end. There was a two month period where I was trapping two or three pets a day. Now that I’ve collected 3/4 of the pets available, it is down to two or three pets a month.

With regards to pet charms, I’ve had them pile up because leveling pets is a mindless way to level alts. There are no more pets I need to be max level so I’m fine leaving them in my leveling queue until I have an alt to grind up.

That means little to me. I don’t own Shadowlands, and wouldn’t buy it until Pathfinder II is released.

When I left two years ago, I had attained exalted in every faction and basically got sick of waiting for Ion to finally decide to release the new factions, so we could start working on them to attain flying.

So, I left, and didn’t look back. Until recently, when I reactivated my subscription. I got pretty much everything I wanted to. And as I said before, the game just isn’t fun. Sick of all the time gates.

I know how you feel. I love the old way of playing. Being in the sandbox and simply doing whatever you want to hit max level, then buying flying. I hate feeling like we’re all stuck on a rail and having to do what Blizz wants in order to get flight. And yes, flight is that important that most folks will suffer for a few weeks/months completing a checklist just for it.

Funny thing though, it’s the pet battles the past year or so that have kept me going. Collecting more pets, looking for better skillsets on pets I have, gathering up those charms and stones. The big annoyance now is getting enough grateful offerings in order to get a few of the covenant pets.


Well, I’m almost positive that they said my account would be terminated on the 15th. Now they’re saying the 14th. Not that it matters, really.

The time was when I would have taken all five of my 50th level toons and gotten every WQ that would have given me pet rewards. But this week, it’s only been one or two of them. Or not at all. Just can’t bring myself to log in much. I feel certain I would have gotten the 10K pet charms for the expensive, hideous, and of-questionable-value pet if I had just done a little more this week. I did the last three pet dungeons, because I have all the pets so I can get the little gift boxes offered by the merchants, which all give polished pet charms.

I was up to 9,448 polished pet charms. Like I said, if I had just done all five of every pet related WQ this last week and all the mission tables, I think I would have had the 10K.

I noticed that on the missing tables (in BfA, at least), every single one of them offered the Time currency. At the moment, the name has slipped my mind. I wonder what that’s all about. Must be offering something to purchase with it soon.

So, today is my last day.

Bye, everybody. Thanks for all the help and the good times. The Pet Battles forum is a special community. We are supportive and encouraging to one another and we all want to see each other do well. As opposed to Generally Disgusting – I sorry, I meant General Discussion – which is all about trolling, competitiveness and putting everyone else down.

The high point of my week was when I was on Mechagon, killing a rare and I got an Arachnoid Skitterbot from it. Don’t you guys love it when you get a new pet from a mob that you didn’t even know dropped pets?

If I had the resources, I’d probably create my own game. Similar to WoW, but with much more to do with pets. In fact, it would only be for pet battlers. You wouldn’t be able to make your way without doing it. You could use your pets to destroy some diabolical machine, as they’re small enough to get inside and sabotage it from within. Pets that could open locks. Stuff like that.

Bye, everyone.

Edit: I did one more round of Tortollan quests, even though I don’t really need the faction hit. I did the Cycle of Life, Beachhead (“A turtle made it to the water!”), and Calligraphy, all of which are given by Scrollsage Nola. (She does get around, doesn’t she?)


You get more grateful offerings the higher your Anima Conductor is. The effect is so large that even my more recent alts have hundreds of grateful offerings. Easiest to acquire them as NF since the stage and the Large Lunar Pod are so easily accessible. For the latter, there’s a macro that you can spam to find the needed stalks.

Kyrian is also fairly easy since they have a teleporter to their daily offering mission which consists of answering three questions.

Push come shove, make an Alliance alt on US Stormrage and I’ll give you one of each. I have more than enough charms NF offerrings.

I can’t access the Bastion ones yet though.

Loncis, two years ago, you did this very same thing, left WoW because it was poisoning you.
It was somewhere close to that same time when I knew WoW didn’t love me anymore.
By then most of us had gone a little numb, no longer displaying the outrage caused by unfathomable changes being made in-game that mostly lowered QoL in-game.
By then, we were all being poisoned. All of us. Top to bottom, 95+% of experienced players were unhappy with the state of the game.
We all had to cope, and did so, using some method or another.
So, we get another sociological study, using WoW players as the test-base, about coping…
and we also get this;

A new word in our vocabulary.
I used to be one of the 98+%, but after some serious lowering of standards along with the realization that I did not have to love a corpse, it’s all good now. gooder… goodish…
See you in a couple years Loncis. I too, hope for a better future.

Hey man, don’t delete your account. You can always come back and pick up where you left off if you so choose some day. I’ve done it many times. I left in the middle of Shadowlands cuz it just wasn’t the greatest expansion, but now I’m back.

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