I see we will be able to make void elf look like high elf

Based on this topic: New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves - #100 by Alarishanir-nemesis

This is great for everyone since a lots of people probably asked for something like that.

Tilt your neck slightly downward and you’ll see the other 5000 threads about this.


still not gonna be a high elf though.

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Couldn’t have just posted IN that thread? Had to make your own?

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Still no high elves.

Just budget void elves and blood elves.

The WoW forums are pretty dead these days, so if not this thread it would be nothing at all. The OP may as well live it up.

What was it you hordies always told us? That Blood Elves = High Elves, right?

Have you guys gone full circle and are now trolling yourselves?


I actually think they will be High Elves. And Blood Elves can also be High Elves.

Both sides should be High Elves now.

Void Elves and Blood Elves are High Elves since they came from Quel’Thalas.

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Technically yes. Some will argue that High Elves is a creed instead of a race, but either way, they’re all technically the same race now.

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waiting for my Nightborne to be able to be Night elves with all the customizations of Night elves. And if void elves get paladins nightborne get druids as well as blood elves. #DRUIDSFORALL, #FREETHEINNERDRUID

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Well then, good news!

Nightborne are in fact night elves. They always were. They are just the highfalutin city elves to our forest elves

The race is High Elves.

Calling themselves Blood Elves is the creed.

Void Elves are called like that due to their mutations, however if their children are born all void-y then yes, I would strongly argue that they are not longer High Elves but unless confirmed otherwise by Blizzard they are still High Elves.

just saying if Blizzard are going to kill the uniqueness and quality of the blood elf with this void elf customization. Then might as well kill off the uniqueness and quality of nightelves with giving the same customization to nightborne.

That already happened when they made void elves in the first place. In full armor a void elf is indistinguishable from a blood elf.

Besides, we already had a neutral race in the Pandaren, what’s wrong with another?

So we are on the same page :slight_smile:

cause when introduced pandaren were outright netural with no claims to any side. The only lore building pandaren had was through chen stormstout which many considered to be a easter egg or a joke not to be taken seriously. As well as him being a lone wolf and not for the horde in his introduction.
Blood elves were introduced as a on the verge of extinction faction in WC3 whos goal was to survive and reclaim their rightful heirtage. When introduced into WoW it was a Horde race. But then giving them void elves and now all appearances of blood elves except the golden eyes its just a middle finger / F u to blood elf horde players :frowning:

And that was only done because of the severe player base imbalance of the time. Jeff Kaplan, when he was still on the WoW team, admitted as such in an interview. They were originally going to be an Alliance race before they decided to drop that and give the Alliance Draenei instead.

I only mention this because you shouldn’t become too attached to lore explanations in this game as Blizzard makes stuff up on the fly and changes it again just as quickly when it suits them.

I have since learned this lesson myself through much aggravation.

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They are going to be high elves infused with void now, which begs the question, why just not make them normal high elves that don’t seek destructive powers in the first place?

atm, just the skin color, the hair color/styles hasn’t been announced to be changed yet. so you’ll look like a HE… with tenticle hair :squid:

will we be able to make blue eyes