Sad how the development team fails to realize that players don’t want to be forced into ability echo-chambers just because of min max overlords. Arcane Barrage is so damn boring. What a waste it is too build those Arcane circles only to lose them. This spec is so uninspiring and it shows with the lackluster Spellslinger flop. Should be renamed as anti-hero talent tree tbh.
anti-hero talent tree sounds sick af tho
“Anti-hero talents”
Although to be fair Arcane has been broken forever. They didn’t so much break it as just let the glue that barely holds it together give out. They did next to nothing to fix the regular talent trees and expected that the hero trees would somehow magically make everything work, or rather that they would be something shinny that would distract players from the mess.
I really dislike that they ruined Arcane Missiles by making it proc only. Plus the arcane charges disappear too quickly.
Are you talking about 11.1? I haven’t tried how Arcane feels post Aethervision.
But if you’re talking about current patch, you basically have 4 charges at all times. If you’re starved of arcane charges you could probably improve your rotation, sounds like you’re not barraging under the right conditions.
That said I agree spellslinger is a very passive and boring hero talent tree, I hope sunfury comes back.
The arcane charges disappear quickly after non use.
Include orb in your opener to start the fight at 4 charges.
Barrage if you have intuition, 2x aethervision or into Magi.
Other than that weave clear casting and nether precisions for aethervision.
If you have neither proc barrage if you have orbs available to replenish.
Basic prio description, but you’ll pretty much have 100% 4 charge uptime.
The most insane part is how they managed to make the single most fun spec possibly ever in all of WoW w/ double dipping spellslinger and high voltage in the Beta, got nothing but praise and positive feedback, then said no we don’t want you guys having that much fun.
Like the mage community has been pretty clear on what we want and somehow the devs decided that “we don’t know what we want” and decided to give us whatever we have now.
I’ve thought the same. Arcane was the talk of the town and was only praised going into TWW. Idk how someone can see that feedback and just tear it apart. Like… whoever you are, you should be fired.