Is the realm being pacific time make that much of a difference? Why does it matter?
One of my closest friends who Ive known for 10 years is rolling a pve server because he doesn’t care about wpvp.
There are folks who will play on servers that best suit their timezones and preferences.
Grobbulus is not going to be Emerald Dream. It’s a new server and will have its own history, unique from how you’ve known or shaped ED.
To think that we will impact Grobb and make it our own is hubris. There will be new people, and that is a good thing.
I look forward to building a new future with those that jump on grobbulus. But, I agree with what does the timezone matter. The events Redwood runs will be at the same time, juat because that is the time we will be online.
The real reason to go to Grobbulus is about the RP-PVP designation. RP conventions, pvp automatically a reality, and the ability to build up rivalries!
Can not wait!
I live on the West Coast, never had an issue with my ping to ED and it’s in the same Chicago data center as the east coast servers… so from my perspective people are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
The main reason to be on Grobbuluss vs. any other realm is that it’s an RP-PvP realm. Those who are in int for a robust RP-PvP experience will play there regardless of it being in the Los Angeles datacenter.
I dont see how the server being pacific time matters. Ping is not an issue here, 42% of grobs population right now is from midwest/eastcoast, seeing the survey i seen earlier.
Same sentiment as my battle buddies here. I’m EST but Grobbulus is the the perfect place to reignite the RPPvP-WPvP that we long for.
It feels great to a part of the founding of this new server. Let’s baptize it with Horde tears. For the Alliance!
I have been PST the entire time here on ED. Ping has never been a thought or concern for me. Having Grob West or East was never part of my decision tree. The idea people are avoiding a server based on its location…
Yeah plus Herod is gonna have MASSIVE ques!
I don’t care about the time zone and I don’t think ping will have much of a difference at all, especially with spell batching.
Looking forward to seeing returning RP-PvP players/guilds from ED and my good old Veco. Couple that with an expansive world, no flying, no phasing/CRZ… this is going to be great.
Good luck playing on Herod. Que times could be 10k plus. Server is massively over populated.
Some of us Night Elf players would like to be able to play at server night time without doing it in the morning!
If it’s in the Chicago data center, though, that should help with ping time concerns.
I hate you all leaving me alone in Retail :(
Retail is for newbs. Man up Brock.
I will enjoy dumping on the so called “top pvp players” who are going to Herod, queues or not.
Also, I think the only two servers that will still be high pop in a few months are Herod, and the streamer server Faerlina (unless the streamers all get bored and quit).
what do you think grobuluss population will be like after a few months
Do we actually know what data centers the Classic servers are in? Retail realm clock time zones often don’t match the server locations.
not that I am playing or anything, but I only like realms in my timezone and after a quick browse, I see no classic realm in my timezone, so another reason to not play. (though if I did, it would be on a normal/pve realm as I have no urge to RP in classic)