I see all the post, already up, I am disappointed in Blizz $90 is predatory

Seriously, for that mount even $45 is predatory. But, You guys know, you have it down to a science, that people are weak, for whatever reason, whether they feel they “need it”, want to brag they bought it, or they say they do it just because it upsets others(the ultimate weakness, imo, and probably the majority of kids spending mommy and daddy’s money to get it).

Marketing knows all the reasons people will buy into it. As the old proverb goes “a fool and their money will soon be parted”. Odds are many that will buy it are not using their own money even. But regardless. You really are explioting your patrons, your consumers, that already keep you afloat. If is a shame. There is absolutely NO REASON to justify that cost. Even a 50% sale in the future for $45 is just too much. Moves like this lead me to believe the game is closer and closer to its unfortunate demise, so you prey upon your customers even further to grab all the cash you can before the inevitable decline in subs and customers hits hardest.

This somewhat reminds me of that South Park episode about freemium gaming. And even the devil is upset with what is being done by the game company. This was actually a golden opportunity for a nice Christmas gift or reward for so many years of loyalty to Blizzard. Like a 10 years of subs reward or something like that even. Way to miss a good way to show your community you are thankful for them and slap the majority of them in face.

Sure, many of the entitled will pop in below and white knight this. But that is the way many are, they relish in the dismay of others, more so when their own entitlement keeps them out of harm’s way. Easy to talk big and insult people from afar for those “kewl points”.

But, most of us, I am sure would agree with me. I am certain more of the planet would agree, even those who do not play, but got the details. Unbiased parties, etc… This practice is just wrong, but again, there are those who continue to condone and endorse it, because they can. And I guess those people are your target, anyhow.

Just stick with the flash for those people, they will still buy it. But convenience and functionality items, like this while not “needed” are handy and desired by most of your active community. That is why the vendor mounts are so popular already.

/end long blah blah whine whine word salad rant

tldr: don’t bother, you are warned


75 posts were merged into an existing topic: New AH house mount in the Bliz Store for $90 USD