Yesterday I watched Dune at the theaters, and it was fantastic! It was an enthralling experience, the first time in many years I felt exhilarated watching a movie since I was like… a little kid.
I never read the books but I can say that this movie must have done the source material justice. Even if it deviates from the original source a bit. I haven’t seen much discussion about in this forum. For any of you who have seen it, please describe your experience.
Jealous of all you who are experiencing Dune for the first time. one of the best for sure
I adored the 1984 version. Watched it every time it was shown on TV. Can’t wait to see this one.
It was good. Never read the books either.
I really zero in on acting and cinematography when I watch stuff for some reason. Don’t recall any acting to have bad moments. A couple scenes and transitions were a little bad (I know what they were doing, they just did it in a bad way).
Overall, good movie for sure. I don’t see many good movies lately so I was pleased.
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