I resubbed for one month to warn about the Kidnap Meta (which will continue next expansion)

I mean… as unfortunate as it is… Phase shift…? or adjust your strat! <3 have good games

I mean when u afk at the start, you arent really trying to begin with, the way you play around bdk is literally just run at a base the blood dk is not at

Because the best strat is to afk and hope you die. Watch today’s video (showed date in bottom right at start of clip).

https: //youtu.be/TxMUWJJxYyY?si=Y-6xMBkKv7Zv6Opw



lmao except this isnt jury run court its a run by a dictator aka blizzard. they are who determines what is ok and isnt ok. dont like that dont give them your money.

i lyk dat teh same toxic bdk doin this is beggin plz not 2 delete rbgs in anuther thred

diversity camradery n engagin social experiences UH HUH yeh that applies to RBGS 4 sure lol all of those descriptives lyk strategy depth LMAO unreal


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You seem to only be accepting of your own suggested solution. You immediately shoot down anyone else’s suggestions and cry about griefing when that isn’t even griefing. Sure, the DKs that do that are choosing a less-than-fun option but taking a healer out of play is a valid strategy. Some classes are SUPPOSED to focus healers in PvP.

Getting locked down can happen to anyone if a spec that counters yours is in play. Just play with a Frost Mage or Warlock and you’ll be fine if they know what they are doing. Hell, anything that can CC or harass a DK can keep it from happening.

Blizzard isn’t going to do anything about it so it looks like you have 3 options.

  1. Get better at strategizing with your team.

  2. Learn to live with it because it’s part of the game.

  3. Unsub and play something else.

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ROFL you are wrong for that.

No one has yet posted a “suggestion” that can rescue a priest while maintaining battleground objectives.

And even if they do. It better be a damn simple suggestion (which there is none), because if it takes more than 20 words to write, it’s already too complicated and groups will opt for a MW or dragon (as they have the entire expansion) to avoid having healers being kidnapped.

This is perhaps one of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen – thank you for sharing.

Anyway, this is not griefing nor is this unintended.

Ask a blue if this intended gameplay.

I dare you.

You could ask yourself in the CS forums. The folks that post there are very knowledgeable about the EULA and in-game rules.

I suspect they will say the same thing though – this is not griefing.

Holy hell you are right this is downright hilarious :rofl:


I said intended gameplay.

Because we know what happens the moment a blue says its not intended gameplay (insta nerf).

Is it griefing under the EULA. No.

Is griefing in actual down earth practice (not in legalese). Absolutely.

Which is why I keep asking:

“Is this intended gameplay.”

Do you think its intended gameplay?


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You can keep repeating yourself and ignoring everyone that responds to you all that you want. Most of the people responding to you in all of your threads have said that it is 100% intended gameplay.

If you disagree, then the burden is on you to show that it is not intended gameplay. Your passive/aggressive eye rolling responses have played out. Show the community that it is not intended gameplay either via terms of service or code of conduct and then you will have an argument. Until then…get gripped.

So afk the whole clip?

the way you counter bdk or “rescue them” is u have a druid cyclone the dk trying to abduct

All this energy spent on this and Blizzard isn’t gonna do anything. Maybe do something more productive instead just being mad about something on the internet and crying to others.

If you are trying to kill one Blood DK (unless they have flag) let alone two you are doing it wrong. In the video you were all on discord and should have coordinated CC, also an extra tank is a loss of damage for the other team?