I remade the WoW LFG UI in Powerpoint, Blizz plz hire me


Edit: can’t post pics but see below
Edit2: I never meant this to “fix” wow arena. I just think this is a small quality of life change that would greatly benefit the community
A) it would stop the endless scrolling one has to do to find partners in your rating
B) MMR is way more honest than CR and would eliminate the “1500 but mlgad on alt” ppl and such

Thanks!! 10char

Neat but, doesn’t really fix much. Problem with LFG is the sign ups themselves, people wanna q and go.


The problem with lfg is that it’s nearly impossible for someone to have any of the qualities that make a good teammate and still be stuck below 1800

There’s exceptions but in general this game is so simplified and turn based(relatively) that everybody who’s capable of being chill about losses and admitting their own mistakes is already out of the 1500 mmr new players start at


1 team pushing glad, 1 pushing elite, 1 pushing duelist, a few trying to get their elite sets, and the rest wanting to get carried by pikaboo on stream.

Typical lfg. I can see another advantage in that the ‘WTS arena services’ posts probably naturally get consolidated at the bottom, which makes it easier to report them all.

But yeah, while helpful, that’s not saving participation.

The current lfg tool needs to be removed and updated with a queue button.

Yeap, good point 100% agree. Makes you wonder what the real fix would be, I know I tend to be biased towards a dynamic q so people can forbade the sign ups but not sure if it would do much.

People tend to blame x or y because it’s easier than admitting to user error.

^ this is what I tend to believe, would it do better or worse for the game; unsure.

I think, unfortunately (or fortunately for some) most people that still play nowadays tend to lean towards the more anti-social aspect of WoW. Nobody really wants to network or make friends they just wanna ‘on to the next’.

Although I could see dynamic q being a good way to meet people in ‘test run’ kinda way.

This is super interesting, never thought about it like that a high speed turn based game haha. 4x turn based games tend to be amongst my favorite genres.


Not sure if they’re hiring powerpoint makers but you can for jobs here:

I’m one of these people, although it’s mainly just with respect to pvp. I’m relatively social doing pve stuff in classic (e.g., dungeons, raids, leveling, questing, etc.).

Admittedly I was more social back in the mop-wod days (as far as reaching out to meet other pvpers and push rating), but nowadays I just want to chill when I play wow. I still set my personal goals, but am done with the days of trying to network in a video game.

It also gets a bit more difficult to network in video games as you get older (e.g., there are less and less people in your age range still playing the game, you have less tolerance for the negatives that come from networking, etc.).

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