I really wish I could rock visage form more often

I know I’m feeding a fed horse here, but I just unlocked the most badass elite pvp gear and WOW does it look awesome on the visage form.

And wow, does it look goofy on the dragon form.

This class feels completely incomplete. They need to adjust gear models to work on the dragon or they need to allow visage form to play more of a primary role or at least optional.

I didn’t even know I had OCD but the warband loading screen parking my character in dragon form when I look so cool in visage with actual gear sets is really upsetting.


I know, they still don’t get it. An army of fake posters and gaslighters is going to change what are valid complaints. If they don’t change this soon, I’m done with the game. I’m not waiting another expansion for them half-deliver on there promises or not deliver them at all.

What promises are they not delivering on?