I really want to play Nightborne, I do

I imagine a lot of disappointment since most people seem to wanna play a normal, non-withered nightborne. The withered would appeal to a whole other group of players. I’d say elf players (including myself) would prefer pretty elves :pensive:


Been concerned we can’t thicken the model. Doesn’t seem to be a solution.

Well, considering what this user proved https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/lojxsp/having_given_a_large_amount_of_feedback_on_player/?ref=share&ref_source=link

Thickening the model isn’t actually that hard to do.
Huh…Blizzard ಠ_ಠ


That’s what I do for mine. Robes and hidden face they aren’t terrible even though I’m not a huge fan of NE casting animations. I made mine a shadow priest so shadow form further obscures him.

If people are going out of their way to cover up and hide their character it should be a clear sign to blizzard that this allied race needs a lot of attention but they just aren’t in any hurry to do anything about it.



Wow all of that there is insane. I really wonder why Blizzard doesn’t put in some effort like that to add more customization when it would clearly make the playerbase happy. Ah well.

Thing is it should not be hard.

Apply NPC NB texture. If the mesh is not 100% right…tweak it. If this was a bgs game I can think of 3 tools I’d use to make this happen in less than 3 hours. and that be 3 hours since my sklls with tools like NIFScope are lacking. And when I use materials editor I get distracted and go ooh, what happens if I play with these values…

Females fixed. Males a bit complicated.T Their bodies are…yeah some work there.

but let me change color ! green leafs for my hunter <3

To be honest, that would be pretty cool, though the the withered are literally crippled by their ‘starvation’.

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/glances at blood elves and undead

You could say Lich King power for Undead, and magical insulin for Blood Elves powers them.

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Nah, us undead get our fix from blighting things.

Do people turn their cameras around and stare at their characters while playing the game or something? I think I see my toon on the login screen and that’s about it… Besides changing tmog, who sits around just looking at their characters features and such while actually playing?

Wait for dungeon…wait for bg

wait for dungeon…wair for bg

wait for dungeon…wait for bg

Yeah I get a few minutes to look at my chars…I’ve found doing anything besides fishing creates issues. Issue being just how hot is the lz I am landing back into off the bg/dungeon end.

And I have landed back into some mob firefights started by people that had me go damn…I am going to die to open world trash and not dungeon bosses, oh the irony.

Uh I do that all the time!

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It’s part of the core RPG experience for many players. Some people just enjoy the game itself, I enjoy getting immersed in the world itself as well. That includes looking at my characters, forming backstories for them and noticing the transmog sets the wear at times.

To each their own. :slight_smile:


Theyre hideous. Your right. Its a dump. I wanted to like nightborne players too

we need a rework on nightborne, opened up a thread in hopes blizzard will address this issue since it seems like they forgot nightborne even exist


Legit, the fact they stated they had no further customization plans at this time while leaving one of the OG Allied Races some bland and with few options to begin with is just sad.

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Okay those look really cool

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